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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. https://store.knowyourmeme.com/products/woman-yelling-at-a-cat-throw-pillow# https://society6.com/product/angry-meme_pillow https://www.teepublic.com/throw-pillows/woman-yelling-at-a-cat-meme
  2. A VPN handles data transport. A Proxy Server handles data content. A VPN is a secure tunnel between two points. Say for example you have an office in Buffalo and an office in Erie. Unless you run a 90 mile fiber optic cable between both offices, your offices have to connect over the internet. Anything you send from one office to the other is visible to every switch, router, and network engineer along that path. What a VPN does is encrypts the data you send over the internet and decrypts the data at the destination, so that any hops along the path cannot read your data. They know you're talking, they just don't know what you're saying A Proxy Server is like an Internet funnel. Your clients do not connect to the Internet, they connect to the proxy server. The proxy server connects to the Internet and forwards the traffic on behalf of the clients. All of your web traffic flows thru the proxy server. You can see the URL each of your clients is accessing and even the web content itself.
  3. I have that meme on a single pillow
  4. Do you use a proxy server?
  5. But how many of those 7.3 Million were in Iowa or in California/New York/Illinois/New England? 7.3 Million. To put that into context: 134.7 Million people voted in 2016. 7.3 Million, or 5.4% of voters watched the Democrat debate 65.8 Million people voted for Clinton in 2016. 7.3 Million, 11% of Democrat voters watched the Democrat debate
  6. We have Amber Alerts, why not have #orangemanbad alerts
  7. They should name it the USS Amazon Prime
  8. Unless you count James Buchannen, who was likely a gay President. And if you include VP nominations, Joseph Lieberman is Jewish. And then there's Charles Curtis, 31st Vice President of the United States and 1/8 Native American, which is exponentially more Native American than Elizabeth Warren. Hell, the Wiki page for Native American politicians doesn't even include Warren https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Native_American_politicians
  9. True that, only reason I use W10 at home
  10. You dont *have* to use Windows. At work maybe, but for personal use there are alternatives to Windows
  11. West Virginia legislature working on bill inviting Virginia counties to leave VA.and join WV If my county puts it on the ballot, I would probably vote yes
  12. They're not even pretending to be objective anymore.
  13. There have been rumblings that Microsoft may abandon their traditional new version every so many years in favor of a subscription based Windows As A Service model. Instead of paying $100+ every few years for a new version, users would pay a smaller annual license for a rolling release.
  14. Edge sucks, but Microsoft is about release a totally rebuilt Edge in the near future. Instead of using their craptastic in house design, they built the upcoming version on Chromium (Open Source browser upon which Google Chrome and Brave are based). I'll give it a shot, and the new version still sucks meh, back to Brave and Firefox
  15. For giggles the OP should remove a few words from the title and see the response to "Brady to Panthers"
  16. Yeah but this time it will be different, amirite?
  17. I dunno, I kinda have a soft spot for Milwaukee from all the pisswater beer my freshman year
  18. Pen and a phone, amirite?
  19. That's great, as long as you understand Chromebooks are not immune from viruses. Neither are Linux, ChromeOS (which is a fork of Gentoo Linux), *BSD, or Mac (which is a fork of BSD). Windows has such a massive share of the market that virus creators do not spend the time or effort targeting Linux, *BSD, Mac, or Chrome. But viruses do exist, usually at the application layer for cross platform applications or the transport/protocol layer common to all OS
  20. Why has human trafficking skyrocketed during the Trump Administration? /msm
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