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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. So if cries are limited to 10 minutes, how will the participants know their time is up? Will the clock be digital or analog? https://www.ajc.com/places/school/british-schools-are-removing-analog-clocks-from-classrooms-because-kids-can-read-them/FmT45BUpAvoUUjP8C5IM9I/ A coworker last week told me his 14 year old daughter couldn't read an analog clock and had no idea how to interpret the Roman numerals on the clock in the house they lived in. Forward!
  2. So I'm cool to wear an Aunt Jemima dress?
  3. Did Trump stage the Korean peace talks to divert from Stormy Daniels?
  4. Kanye's audience is going to buy the albums disirregardlessly (uggggh my brain hurts after that one) The recent dust up might however pique some Trump supporters interest that would otherwise not have considered purchasing Kanye's album Unless you're Bill Cosby
  5. It was 2 years ago and I was close enough on the campaign slogan
  6. Volunteer Sanitation Inspector. But his Mom only lets him work on non school nights
  7. I knew a few borderline stay at home voters who showed up for Trump for that reason. Also knew a few Trump voters that pulled the "You don't want Hillary to get a Supreme Court Nominee" argument trying to stop me from riding the Johnson
  8. If you think Hybrid's produce no emissions you are fooling yourself. But for devils advocate What is more friendly to the environment? A Encouraging motorists to keep their current higher emissions vehicles B Encouraging motorists to buy Hybrid cars with all the steel, aluminum, plastic, and petroleum based products that goes into the body and power train. Not to mention the chemicals needed to produce battery packs that have to be replaced every 5-10 years
  9. https://firearmtraining.nra.org/ https://firearmtraining.nra.org/student-courses/ https://explore.nra.org/interests/safety-and-education/ https://onlinetraining.nra.org/ http://www.nrainstructors.org/coursecatalog.aspx
  10. If they ever went thru with that, Trump should invite Kanye, Silk, and Diamond to fly up to the Arctic on Air Force One for selfies
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