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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Don't forget Hot Pockets generous sponsorship It's the Alabama Hot Pockets Championship
  2. #7 QB Josh Allen. Will not start day one but will be the starter by mid to late season. Will either be the next coming of Jim Kelly or JP Losman #16 LB Tremaine Edmunds: WR version of Eric Moulds. Not an immediate starter and after two or three years the cries of bust will be sporadic. But when he blooms he's gonna be a beast #96 DT Harrison Phillips: Solid rotational defensive lineman #121 CB Taron Johnson: Nickel/Dime and Special teamer. Eventual starting CB #154 DB Seran Neal: Rotational DB and special teamer #166 OG Wyatt Teller: Backup guard #187 WR Ray Ray McCloud: Practice Squad #255 WR Austin Proehl: Practice Squad and future castoff WR that Tom Brady turns into a Pro Bowler
  3. A funny thing happened on the way to an unchallenged indictment. The defendants unexpectedly showed up and were prepared https://www.politico.com/story/2018/05/04/mueller-russia-interference-election-case-delay-570627
  4. Or maybe he's posturing for a contract renegotiation Golden Retriever's are actually quite smart
  5. Repeat a lie enough and eventually it will become the truth
  6. I try to sync my movements up so they occur at home. I just prefer pooping in my bathroom than a shared bathroom. But a couple weekends ago I had to go into work on a Saturday to fix somebody else's screw up. On my way out the door after nine hours of overtime I was gonna hold one it in until I got home. But then I thought !@#$ it, I'm gonna drop one here and get paid time and a half for it
  7. An overrated piece of trash with 2 Super Bowl Rings, 3 Conference titles, elite stats for over a decade, and a first ballot reservation to Canton Ben put his foot in his mouth on this for sure, but I do understand what he's trying to say. Ben knows he only has a few years left and would like to go out on top. Drafting developmental 3rd and 4th round QBs every year aren't the missing pieces to dethrone the Patriots*
  8. https://www.wsj.com/articles/marxs-apologists-should-be-red-in-the-face-1525388258?shareToken=st1d1a98710a4d4e46a3c8c6da7b3d4a37&reflink=article_email_share They may not openly want it but that is what will happen
  9. Never let silly little details interfere with The Narrative
  10. Silly question but who controls the Indictments? The Indictees or the Indictors?
  11. I was doing a bit of nonpolitical research today and ran across this article with one user comment that made me https://news.clearancejobs.com/2013/07/19/eqip-questions-and-answers/
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