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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. What is your definition of "as a kid?" Most juvenile records are sealed at 21 You also have to take into account what crime the individual was convicted of and the job they are applying to. An auto body shop probably won't care if an applicant had been convicted of possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute. A pharmacy on the other hand probably would.
  2. Yes to both Reminds me of a strip club that I drive by on my way to work that puts witty statements on their outdoor sign. Last summer their sign read Now Hiring Class of 2017
  3. Remember Change.org? Website where people could start a petition and once it got so many votes the Obama administration would respond? I kinda want to start a petition on Change.org to have John Kerry charged with violation of the Logan Act
  4. cuddles at night with a life sized man shaped pillow of Jar Jar Binks
  5. Those things called "potato chips", I think I've seen them somewhere outside western new york
  6. Man walks into a bar and sees President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu at a table. Man asks what them what they're doing there Trump: We're planning our Iran strategy Netanyahu: We're going to kill a million Iranians and Gal Gadot What? Why would you kill Gal Gadot? Netanyahu: See, I told you nobody cares about a million Iranians
  7. Did we at least load pallets of unmarked cash into an unidentified CIA cargo plane?
  8. But will the robot say goodbye before hanging up?
  9. You've owned a gugny thru most of this thread
  10. That lineup would have been better if whoever put it together photoshopped a red MAGA kitty hat on each
  11. Well of course it's treason, that money would otherwise have been 'donated' to the Clinton Foundation.
  12. Hey wait a sec. Can you live stream that to the "Crazy Things" thread
  13. But if we did that gator won't have anything to do. He might get bored and venture out of the basement and wander into traffic
  14. You could rig up the rotary phone to the Raspberry Pi to automate calling people idiots. You could call it the pidiot
  15. Not surprised. Still funny tho Reminds me when I was in high school we had one of those big outdoor lighted signs with movable text. Every semester during FINAL EXAMS somebody would always sneak in and slant the I in towards to the F
  16. I find your use of the N word offensive You cannot use the N word. Only we can use the N word when talking about each other
  17. That article references voters with high school or less I have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. And I did not vote for Trump What's your next childish insult?
  18. Your betters? So are you saying there are classes of people who are above others? How very Progressive!
  19. https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/In-honor-of-Trump-Jerusalem-square-near-American-embassy-named-for-him-554752
  20. Depending who I'm talking to I end with Later Thanks / Thank You Good luck
  21. All that metal has been returned to the Earth from whence it came
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