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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. You get your golf clubs, I'll get my new toy
  2. why go for 2 there? you still need 3 more TDs either way
  3. graham didn't get his butt into the end zone
  4. He's going to be popular in The Slammer
  5. First, he labels it a “white nationalist” rally. Someone who wasn’t seeking to fan the flames would call the rally by its proper name. Then, he perpetuates a rumor that there’s “a known propaganda technique from white nationalists” to tell journalists that “the person wearing a swastika was actually an Antifa supersoldier in disguise…to absolve them [of] violent behavior.” Oh really? I’m pretty sure the people who threw a concrete milkshake at Andy Ngo weren’t Antifa supersoldiers wearing a swastika. They were just Antifa hoodlums. Name one instance where the scenario you outlined happened, Ben. A verified instance. You know, since you’re big on making sure information is verified before it’s sent out. Finally, he calls Lobby Day “the physical embodiment of 4chan.” More at the link: https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/01/19/nbc-gives-instructions-on-how-to-cover-white-nationalist-rally/ PAUL BEDARD: On edge: Unarmed Virginia gun protesters ask armed friends to ‘watch over us.’ . Well damn, maybe I should tell my black, puerto rican, and jewish friends they're going to a white nationalist rally tomorrow
  6. California is approaching a neo-feudal system
  7. Best video ever of Maria Bartoromo was from that 2016 roast
  8. If the stadium leaves Orchard Park, they should do it like Stargate Atlantis
  9. I doubt he ends up playing for any of the Florida teams. Jacksonville has too much invested in Foles. Miami is out unless he just wants a big payday to babysit someone. Tampa, maybe but only if he thinks Arians has that team to win now, which I don't they are I think this is just a long term family planning move. After he retires the taxes in Florida are much saner than the taxes in Soviet Califonia
  10. Don't care If the images implicate him some illegal activity (drug use, involvement in the deaths of any of Buck's multiple victims), the authorities should use the images to prosecute But I have no interest in seeing Adam Schiff engaged in "salacious" activites However if there are any compromising images of AOC or Tulsi Gabbard
  11. Those post debate images of Warren & Sanders is probably the most coverage the MSM has given Tom Steyer
  12. did our resident curmudgeon tell anyone why he decided to leave?
  13. I've got a bad feeling about the Kenobi series. It's going to be taking an already established character and putting him into some new storyline. Kinda like the Solo movie What made Mandelorian and Rogue One so good was they were all new content and new characters in the Star Wars universe.
  14. If my county brought it up on the ballot, I would vote for it. Considering how many counties and cities have declared themselves Second Amendment Sanctuaries, West Virginia could get alot bigger...
  15. i've woken up next to worse and called back when she texted for another date
  16. Virginia is the test bed. The Authoritarians will push the line to see how far they can get here before enforcing their will on the rest of the country. Then they will push some more
  17. if you feel bumps watching porn, you might want to consult a doctor
  18. Depends on your setup. At the very least a Proxy Server will tell you that IP requested web content from www.twobillsdrive.com on 17 January at 22:30. If you have DNS integrated it can tell you that client101 (which resolves to IP requested web content from www.twobillsdrive.com on 17 January at 22:30 If you have LDAP/Active Directory integrated it can tell you that yourdomain\naughtyuser on client101.yourdomain.fqdn requested web content from www.twobillsdrive.com on 17 January at 22:30 If you have a Proxy cache you can inspect what traffic was served.
  19. Before you uinstall/reinstall, try refreshing your Firefox profile https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/refresh-firefox-reset-add-ons-and-settings
  20. Do you have any plugins installed? I would just uninstall Firefox and reinstall the current version (72 IIRC)
  21. And about the size of a buffalo
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