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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I've met some GEDs that I have more respect for than some PhDs
  2. Fox only appeared tough on Obama because the rest of the MSM fawned over him
  3. I wasn't aware my daughter had a heart condition. Then again I also wasn't aware I had a daughter
  4. Yeah but boyst's political shenanigans are cheeky and fun. Yours are cruel and tragic
  5. The first time I played that clip I heard Yanny Then I started messing with the slider and started to move Laurel near the left of the slider. A few minutes later I went back and played the original clip again and hear Laurel. Moved the sliders around and hear Laurel in most positions. Freaky
  6. Yeah but at this point in her life she should be used to wanting bigger but settling for less
  7. What does Pennsylvania have to do with this? Granted I remember Obama hating on my people for clinging to guns and religion, but how this is relevant to the Middle East?
  8. Your RokuTV will outlast a Roku2 and possibly a Roku3 I bought a first generation Roku back around 2010ish and it ran like a champ until 2015 when I got an email saying the device would no longer be supported after a certain date. But as an early trailblazer the email included a coupon code for like 50% off Roku3 Roku3 was released 2013ish so it may be coming up on End of Life in a few years
  9. Those rifles appear to be M1 Garands which do not qualify as Assault Style Military Self Reloading Automatic Clip Rifles. Garand's have a fixed internal magazine, do not have a pistol grip, do not have an adjustable stock, and don't look all scary and black.
  10. The Most Trusted Name in Muted Airport TVs tweets out an image of Trump in crosshairs then quickly deletes the Tweet https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/cnn-analyst-chris-cillizza-deletes-tweet-showing-trump-in-crosshairs It was umm, a computer problem. Perhaps the software was written by Russian Hackers.
  11. Nicknames should be earned. At this point Edmunds is just another rookie and should be referred to only by the name or mascot of his school. Allen is Wyoming Edmunds is Hokie Number One Phillips is Stanford Johnson is Waldo (Weber St's mascot is Waldo the Wildat ) Neal is Jax State Teller is Hokie Number Two McCloud is Clemson Proehl is Tar Heel
  12. Sorry, not into necrophilia. Pooj might not have such high standards
  13. That would make an interesting research project. Get a white guy from the north east, a black guy from the south, an Hispanic from Texas, a Puerto Rican, and a white guy from California. Mix up the samples and see if the results line up
  14. Sorry, not interested in voluntarily entering my DNA into massive database There's a few gaps in my "ancestry". Mom wasn't close to her side of the family, but I know the basics. Not much is known about my Dad's mother's part of the family. But I don't really care Kinda reminds me of a cousin that tries to get me to join some group of descendants of Mayflower survivors. But meh, I wasn't on the boat so I don't care
  15. My boss mentioned this at work. I had to ask who Keith Richards was. When he said Rolling Stones I said, Oh thats why I don't know him. Shuffling Fossils
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