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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Ever notice the people who comment about inflicting harm upon those they disagree with tend to also be in favor of disarming the citizenry?
  2. Squid walks into the head one day and stands in a urinal next to a Marine. Marine finishes his business and promptly washes and dries his hands. Squid finishes his business and both head for the exit at the same time. Marine remarks: The Corps teaches us to wash our hands when we use the restroom Squid replies: Navy teaches us to not piss on our hand
  3. One of the guys at work started watching earlier this week. He comes up to me and starts asking all these questions about Erie
  4. Trump hasn't had any scandals as President. What's being investigated took place before he took the oath of office The Obama incidents listed above all occurred during Obama's terms. And I use the word incidents because some absolutely refuse to accept any deviation from The Narrative. Obama's incidents either scandals or examples of a poorly run Administration.
  5. Or maybe Crystal Pepsi just sounded too much like Crystal Meth
  6. And is not funny But thank you for your service LC Riggle
  7. I'm not even sure Tyrod was Plan B. There may have been a few other Plan letters, including another possible vowel
  8. You are not compelled to own a firearm. If you do not like guns, you can simply not own guns
  9. Bubba? So Trump is going to prison with Bill Clinton? And boyst doesn't have goats on his farm, they're too stringy for him
  10. Dude, the induced seizure is the best part
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