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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. http://thefederalist.com/2018/05/28/media-double-down-after-new-york-times-gets-busted-peddling-fake-news/
  2. I avoid opening weekend because the theatres are always packed full of idiots
  3. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/05/27/knives-sharp-filing-solution-soaring-violent-crime-judge-says/
  4. that's his strategy. while you're working your way thru his latest manifesto he sneaks up and when you're not looking, POW! Here comes the wedgie, wet willy, noogie, or an indian burn
  5. I'm not a fan of Bradley Manning, or whatever he is calling himself these days. But I hope he seeks help for whatever troubles him enough for him to consider suicide.
  6. Somebody needs to get the word out about that Lowes location. Enough bad publicity will get it re-instated
  7. We all know what to get Joe for Christmas. Home Depot gift cards!
  8. hey #34, try checking out Redtube or Pornhub. They have entire sections dedicated to your fetish
  9. i'm not one to hit the ignore button lightly. i still tolerate gatorman posts but 34's race baiting is starting to wear thin
  10. Greg's got enough here for two or three season run
  11. if there's one thing i've learned watching porn, the pizza delivery guy scores lots of tail
  12. Your statement won't get much argument from most of the folks here
  13. Same here And I want an autographed glossy of you in the "I'm not saying it was Aliens" pose
  14. some are true bloodied kool aid drinkers others are afraid to bite the hand that feeds them and still others have chosen to live on their knees rather than fight on their feet
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