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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Amazing how your opinion of somebody can change when judging them directly instead of relying on the media narrative
  2. Somebody always says that before the bubble burts
  3. Commuter trains are rare across the United States. Most trains these days are freight trains transporting goods from ports along the Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Mississippi River to the interior of the country to distribution points where they are moved to air or truck
  4. Or we could have a poll ranking all the 50 State and America the Beautiful quarters issued during the drought
  5. added link with uniforms over the years
  6. Might as well, we seem to be ranking everything else lately http://www.gridiron-uniforms.com/GUD/bills.shtml
  7. Or classic American TV like Butthead & Beavis or Stimpy & Ren
  8. You should be fired from ABC for that statement and forced to submit a series of contrition Tweets
  9. Universities are large and require administrators to function, of course. The problem is there seems to be no end to the expansion. This point was recently illustrated by Mark Perry, an economics professor at the University of Michigan-Flint. Perry, who also is a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, used the University of Michigan as an example to highlight the rise of “diversicrats” (diversity bureaucrats) on today’s campuses. The numbers are astonishing. Eisenhower alerted us of the peril of the Military Industrial Complex. Somebody needs to pull the proverbial fire alarm to alert America of the peril of the Education Industrial Complex
  10. The job of entertainers like Samantha Bee and Trevor Noah is not to deliver laughs Their job is to deliver votes
  11. Change some proper nouns and you've just described the Mission Statement for the Clinton Global Initiative
  12. head over to PPP, it's chock full of nuts
  13. 14? I'm still the reigning champ at 10
  14. Of course I care that u missed my post,. You should read my posts because they're important, other people's not so much
  15. Tyrod Taylor Drew Bledsoe Ryan Fitzpatrick Kyle Orton Trent Edwards Kelly Holcomb Rob Johnson JP Losman EJ Manuel Alex Van Pelt
  16. The bad publicity isn't what's going to hurt Roseanne. This cancellation doesn't just affect Roseanne Barr. It affects John Goodman and all the other actors. More importantly it affects the writers, show runners, sound people, makeup, and all the faceless crew behind the camera. The off camera talent is what makes a good show run. And the next time they're weighing their options, are they really going to want to work with the kind of on camera talent that could end your show with a single Tweet or boneheaded quote on some talk show? Look at Charlie Sheen. How's his career been since Two and Half Men? Nobody wants to work with him
  17. I scored a 10 which I noted on page 1 of this thread But with an empathy score of 18 you probably didn't feel like reading thru other peoples response
  18. No. This is a binary choice along the lines of Laurel vs Yanny or Picard vs Kirk Yanny, Picard, and Crunchy FTW Mixed with shards of broken glass
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