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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Agency spends $100M in 2020 Agency requests $110M in 2021 Congress allocates $105M in 2021 Leftists cry: They cut the budget by $5M!!!! It's a draconian 5% cut!!1!
  2. Yes, he will get in First ballot depends if Brady, Brees, or Rothlesberger retires in the off season. I don't see the HoF enshrining two big name QB in the same class
  3. https://www.foxnews.com/us/outlet-challenge-prompts-safety-warnings-from-fire-investigators
  4. According to another thread on PPP, Schiff has been doing a lot of playing
  5. Not content with just the Second Amendment, Leftists are going after The First
  6. Condolences on Tulsi's upcoming unexpected heart attack
  7. Do you have a manbun? Because men who drive those are likely to have man buns and COEXIST bumper stickers Well, the lame COEXIST bumper stickers As opposed to the cool COEXIST bumper stickers
  8. A few weeks ago some guy brings his laptop in that had BSoD. He was giving a training class later that day and needed to get his presentation off the hard drive. It was close to lunch time and I didn't feel like decrypting the drive. So i told him the drive failed and to come back in the morning and pick up the laptop Am I a horrible human being? Yeah I know, but meh
  9. Whoever is running Biden's campaign needs a serious "Okay Boomer" intervention
  10. Silly question. The reporters complaining about having to go thru a metal detector haven't been to an airport because they never leave the DC Bubble. Flyover Country is only something they heard about from their colleagues that travel between the DC/NY/California Bubbles
  11. I'm interested to see their PAT ideas in action
  12. I beg to differ. Liberals aren't like little kids. Liberals are like Slinkies. Not really useful for anything but they are fun to push down the stairs
  13. And one can only imagine what happens if they show up wearing the same outfit
  14. And on a Federal holiday. He's trying to impress someone. Maybe there's an opening for Commissar of the People's Committee of his Soviet Row 3A at the cube farm.
  15. You know what else "Top men" have been working on... Adam Schiff
  16. Hopefully the XFL will at least survive to their playoffs
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