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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Dude not cool. If you tip them off now it will ruin the comedic meltdowns on November 7th Blue Wave! Blue Tsunami! #Resist
  2. 1. My Electric Bill will be higher in the summer than in the winter 2. My Gas Bill will be higher in the winter than in the summer 3. Insurance rates will increase
  3. For bonus points Trump should also release a personal statement that as the victim he also forgives Obama
  4. I really wish I could have known my Great Uncle before he passed away. He started out in the Navy in the splinter fleet before piloting landing craft on D-Day and transferring to the Pacific. He was in select company as a veteran of most of the major landings
  5. Still no signs of intelligent life
  6. Polian's league has the same fatal flaw as the original XFL. Their season started too soon after the Super Bowl. It was kinda like on Thanksgiving, you don't go back for more turkey and stuffing after desert. You wait a while and have a turkey sandwich later Start the season a month or so before the NFL draft when we're hungry for some football.
  7. see this is why i don't put asshats like peace, gator, #34, or baskin on ignore The occasional gem. Well played
  8. Sociopath is scary word. Like calling somebody a Racist or Nazi, except Sociopath hasn't lost it's shock value yet from being so overused and applied to situations where it does not apply
  9. I never bought the FDR knew about the raid on Pearl Harbor in advance conspiracy theory. They knew an attack was coming but thought it was going to be much closer to the Japanese home islands Now Churchill on the other hand, let British cities get bombed without evacuating the residents because he was afraid it would tip off the Germans that the Brits had cracked Enigma. Actually it was Poles that really cracked Enigma, but that just kind of happened while changing a light bulb
  10. so if impalpable is not palpable, does that mean impeach is not peach? trump is more orange than peach
  11. This is what happens when the three branches of Government: Legislative, Judicial, and Executive is replaced by: a Pen, a Phone, and a Narcissist.
  12. You could at least post a link from where you copy and pasted this manifesto
  13. Let's not forget Trump's treatment of Native Americans
  14. That sixth finger thing is still freaky
  15. Clarence is getting a little long in the tooth. Would rather he not have a heart attack or double tap suicide during a Democrat administration
  16. He has several times. But he's kinda like the Energizer Bunny of asshats
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