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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Looks like Superman is about to #metoo the little Asian kid
  2. Any other fans of Peaky Blinders notice a resemblance?
  3. Never let trivial matters like facts contradict The Narrative
  4. The same brainwashing that made you think you saw a plane crash into the Pentagon on September 11th 2001?
  5. America needs more like Krauthammer and less like Maddow or Hannity
  6. Not really a fair statement, most of us white nerds are fond of both Captains. But there is a debate as to which was the superior commanding officer. A case could also be made for The Sisko. The rest of the Captains are kinda like Presidents Chester Arthur or John Tyler. Yeah they sat in the big seat at some time or another and there might be a middle school named after them somewhere, but they're not gonna make Mt Rushmore any time soon.
  7. I haven't watched Sunday Morning talking head shows since cutting the cord. But I recall Stelter was a rather weak replacement for Howard Kurtz. Doe Media Buzz and Reliable Sources ever critique each other? I can just imagine Kurtz showing a clip from Reliable Sources and ending the segment in the Willy Wonka pose
  8. Star Trek, aka "The Original Series" = TOS The Next Generation = TNG Deep Space 9 = DS9 Voyager = STV Enterprise = STE Discovery = STD. Yes seriously
  9. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/06/19/patrick-stewart-may-return-as-capt-picard-amid-cbs-push-to-expand-star-trek-franchise.amp.html I'm not sure how I fell about this. My preference for TNG and Picard has been well documented over the years on TSW, but I kinda got a funny feeling a TNG/Picard reboot might end up getting Godfather Three'd
  10. The concept of pop music on TV traces back to Elvis & the Beatles. Should only southern white males or Brits be allowed to perform pop music on TV?
  11. Already being discussed on PPP. Sorry to post a link to the cesspool, but I can't in good conscience take credit for Deranged Rhino's contribution. So take a second to check out DR's response below, it's worth it
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