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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. No !@#ing way. That's gotta be from The Onion or an Internet Fake Headline generator
  2. This was a few decades ahead of me but I would really have enjoyed one of these
  3. Is that the lasted in the saga of Stormy Daniels?
  4. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, for 20 Microseconds
  5. So you're saying Trump likes to make the price of oil from Russia go up. You know who didn't like the high cost of Russian oil? The guy who invaded the Caucasus in the 1940s Ergo, Trump is not Hitler. Oh crap, there goes your woke card
  6. https://amgreatness.com/2018/06/27/liberalism-and-the-abnormal-trump/
  7. And people are leaving both states in droves. Except they're also taking the philosophies that ruined CA and NY with them
  8. You do have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you
  9. No problems here. You may be having a video problem however. How many lights to do you see?
  10. What do you mean no med kit? The red ones are health boosts and the blue are mana
  11. Same here I remember really wanting one for Christmas and always being told no. Then the joy on Christmas morning! And the smile on my Mom's face. And Dad's "No You Didn't" glare at Mom
  12. Dude if you're really going for that debate strategy, at least do it with some style
  13. I started a new job on Monday and during the new hire orientation they went over pension, 401k, and social security. The moment when you start to realize retirement isn't as far off as you remember it used to be.
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