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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. SyFy series The Expanse just wrapped up S3 (and I missed it :(). Killjoys due to start S4 in a couple weeks
  2. NFL Monday Night Football College Football The last 20 minutes of College Game Day when they do their picks I just ignore the rest of their programming, pregame/postgame, sportscenter, pti, around the horn, and all their sjw nonsense
  3. That's the Civil War equivalent of "Here I Sit Broken Hearted"
  4. I may be showing my age here, but in the dark ages before Wiki this kind of stuff was considered history and actually taught in the public school system
  5. A free screening and "Mass Meditation" Where do I sign up Better than money from Uranus
  6. Too bad that match wasn't today, it would have been an opportunity for some epic trolling. American fans could have put on Colonial uniforms and sang Yankee Doodle
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/news/rare-us-independence-declaration-found-uk-archive-111216150.html
  8. At least somebody in your house does Admit it, you walked right into that one
  9. The chair is against the wall what happens on grindr stays on grindr
  10. What happens on Grindr stays on Grindr
  11. For Great Social Justice Take off every Snowflake!
  12. quit smoking/never started more girls invest in amazon and netflix
  13. Stop judging them with your Eurocentric heteronormal cis male privileged concepts of correct spelling
  14. That's what he looks like before the morning combover
  15. Let's be honest, over the last 25 years what man (and a large number of women) hasn't said that about Hillary Clinton So Barry, how about those college transcripts
  16. I try to avoid Walmart when I can but sometimes have to swallow my pride and take a trip to what I refer to as The Zoo And then of course, there is this classic website http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/
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