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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. AP's badly bungled and misleading report now magnified by NYT. A pipeline of bad reporting and an echo chamber of ignorance blooming right before your very eyes. . Wait, I thought Obama had to exercise unprecedented Executive authority to thwart a Congress full of racist white Republicans. But now the same racist white Republicans in Congress must intervene to thwart Trump in the name of decency and national security?
  2. You technically work for Trump so we're not supposed to welcome you here anymore.
  3. Depends how much land was created and who has the best lawyers I suspect any decent size chunk of real estate will be claimed by the state of Hawaii, studied for use, then sold off
  4. Make sure you flush when you're done meditating Especially you
  5. My home router blocks all that stuff for me I use an arm based PC with multiple network adapters and run PFSense, a variant of FreeBSD (another branch of UNIX). PFSense has a package that runs a script to pull a daily list of ad sites, trackers, malware sites, etc. Then it updates it's internal DNS servers to point the offending URL back to itself so it doesn't even contact the server
  6. Super Bowl LIII. You could call it Super Bowl Lies, which would only make sense to feature the Patriots*
  7. I wonder what charges he will face. Assault and maybe throw in a hate crime?
  8. “I’m confused on if 1. Anyone on The NY Times Ed Board has seen The Godfather or if 2. They have and are suggesting starting a murderous mob war to prevent a SCOTUS pick,” Stephen Miller asks. “Because THIS is what happens when you go to the mattresses,” Twitchy adds: Although it is amusing to think of Schumer in his office yelling at his advisers, “Well, you just do what I tell you to do. Goddamn it. If I had a wartime consigliere, a Sicilian, I wouldn’t be in this shape!” . What do they think this like College where you can scream and protest until you get what you want? No you gotta get up like this and badda-bing, you blow their brains all over your nice Pendleton flannel.
  9. #52 is better than half of the other teams. Praise Trump! You Essay! #MakeAmherstGreatAgain
  10. I agree The Senate also has the right to reject the nominee or flat out refuse to consider the nominee What worries me is talk from the Left about packing the Court next time a Democrat holds the White House. Of course that sets a dangerous precedent, but that never stopped the Left before.
  11. Good gawd that would be hilarious if Trump got to choose her replacement. Snowflakes on fuego!
  12. I would support the nomination of Hillary Clinton just to watch the Senate Hearings and rejection
  13. she is not a democrat and is therefore no longer allowed to be a woman
  14. So basically another variant of Ancient Aliens
  15. Which people? The internet trolls or the teleprompter readers?
  16. That casting would be better served as Tasha Yar, as I mentioned on page 2 of this thread you idiot
  17. If it's too hot out, just take a dip in hot tub and enjoy a margarita. http://time.com/5329577/hot-tub-bear/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=time.com&utm_campaign=ideal-media-internal-recirculation&utm_term=68888&utm_content=2260860
  18. http://time.com/5329349/james-cosmo-mbe/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=time.com&utm_campaign=ideal-media-internal-recirculation&utm_term=68888&utm_content=2260767
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