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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. On the front page of imgflip right now. Is this one of ours or do great minds think alike?
  2. Just a hunch but I suspect Democrats are big fans of that line about rendering unto Caesar
  3. My Dad still owns the house and I try to get back home for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas But I haven't slept in my old room for several years. Before my Mom died of cancer she was moved in there to spend her last days and Dad ended up giving the bed away afterwards. There's no way I could bring myself to ever sleep in that room again.
  4. Another reason to let those little immigrant kids out of their cage: Free Range Soylent
  5. Gonna have to update his routine for the data driven 21st century: 98% chance the giants win the pennant! 98% chance the giants win the pennant! 98% chance the giants win the pennant! . . . Russians hacked the pennant!
  6. Contrary to Hiliary's public comments, Comey's "October Surprise" didn't cost her the election. Her own words did
  7. As a reminder it has been 549 days since Hiliary Clinton did not take the oath of office
  8. yeah well did Trump break up Stormy's marriage?
  9. yeah but how many scoops of ice cream did he let putin have?
  10. That's only valid if they leave the Federal position for a contractor working on a project requiring the same level clearance as well as a need to know. They could walk out of the Federal office and into a cushy job with NG or Lockheed and transfer the clearance level but that does not grant them access to the same material they had in the previous position. It also does not grant them the authorization to use whatever clearance thru a contractor to gather material for a side gig on MSNBC
  11. Think like a Progressive for a moment. In their mind, rights are bestowed upon the people by the Government. It all comes back to Hobbes and Locke. Are we best left to our own devices or do we require a strong central authority?
  12. In all seriousness, Duffy had posted something totally inappropriate for TSW (which I removed from my quoted reply) and the mods have since removed the offending image
  13. Okay Lefties let's really be honest here. Seriously, try to take off the partisan blinders for a second and ask yourself. Do you really want to see this at a summit opposite Putin
  14. Silly question. Okay, two silly questions Question 1: Are Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Hadyen, Rice, or McCabe currently employed by a Federal Agency in a position that requires a security clearnance? Question 2: If the answer to the above is no, why do they still have an active clearance? If they have left the position which requires a clearance, the clearance should already have been deactivated upon their departure. At best their clearance should be dormant
  15. When Bernie made that comment he had no intention of winning the nomination. Hiliary was inevitable. Nobody presented a serious challenge to HRC in the primary and the general election was all over except for the voting. Bernie was running for the hell of it and to move the Democrat platform to the left. What Bernie, the early Democrat drop outs, and the DNC all failed to grasp was just how terrible a candidate Hiliary Clinton would turn out to be
  16. Trey Gowdy with probably the most logical argument on the Trump Collusion Narrative https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/07/22/gowdy_if_there_was_evidence_that_president_trump_commited_any_crime_adam_schiff_would_have_leaked_it.html
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