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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Believe it or not, Tom's actually not that old. He's just been an old fart his old life
  2. Kinda like Schrodingers Cat Henceforth TRBJ shall be known as DCTom's Cat
  3. Verizon has been laying their FIOS backbone in my neighborhood the last few months. Just waiting for the service to become available
  4. You can do better on the puns. Definitely not your best work And whether I voted for Johnson, Trump, or Clinton would have made no impact on who won Virginia
  5. Trump won my precinct by 24 votes. None of which were mine, I felt the Johnson
  6. Nothing can prepare you for any of lifes challenges better than an 80s montage
  7. Electoral College Donald Trump George Soros Ivanka Trump Vladimir Putin Executive Orders Seth Rich Hackers Evan McMullen Alabama Senate Race Deep State
  8. Accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty Assange became a hero to the Left when he exposed the abuses of a Republican administration. Assange became an enemy of the Left when he exposed the abuses of a Democrat administration. Abuses the media would never have exposed even if they had known
  9. What did the doctors say that thing is called? A gugny? Is it treatable?
  10. I'm kinda tempted to create a Twitter account just I can follow and respond to every @DCTom Tweet with "You're an idiot"
  11. Which Denny's is the good one again?
  12. Gawdammit clicking the "has reacted to" notification wasn't a good idea in this thread I doubt it was intentional. But we'll still make fun of him for it anyway
  13. Mods When I loaded this page (21 of the thread) my Antivirus lit up with a warning about content from a "crossfitfactorysquare" URL which appears to be the link or pic that Tibs embedded above
  14. That's like predicting the sun will rise
  15. Reminds me back during the Occupy Wall Street days a Tea Party type coworker made a comment that at the Tea Party rallies there were port-a-potties and trash cans. And the difference between Tea Party types and Occupy Wall Street philosophies is that one takes care of their own s##t while the other expects somebody else to clean up their s##t At least they remembered to bring the beer (case of Pale Ale on the table to the right)
  16. Think like a Progressive. If you don't like the established rules, laws, or Constitution you just ignore them and make up new ones as you go.
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