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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. On the topic of "Country" music, here is my contribution
  2. Me neither But in the public interest I counter the New Kids reference with some Pantera
  3. Asian girls love them some white boys. Somebody broke her heart once upon a time and she just hasn't gotten over it yet
  4. I'm gonna call a couple of hard hitting Warriors with a bat'leth and an oy'naq and get Gre'thor on your ass
  5. do porn shops even still exist? i would have thought the internet put them out of business by now
  6. The first time I had ever seen Davey and Goliath was a video clip on the Internet. But although I hadn't seen the show I was aware of it from this MadTV skit
  7. But Kaine speaks Spanish! Joke around Virginia is that the Spanish phrase "Tim Kaine" translates into English as "boring white guy"
  8. To be fair, the brown skinned woman only said that white people are only worthy of living underground. It's not like she advocated sending us to gas chamber.
  9. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/vagina-beer-made-essence-hot-13021963
  10. First Gregggggggggy steals your thunder and now this. Don't worry, you'll get your mojo back
  11. I wouldn't be surprised to see AJMC shipped to Indy if Luck still isn't ready
  12. Are they dancing or having a stroke? Chick in purple was flashing the high beams
  13. Peterman is eligible for the Practice Squad but would have to clear waivers first. But yeah, I don't see how they only go into the season with only Allen and McCarron
  14. Creepy but yeah I still would. And not really a "dish", more like a buffet
  15. I'm not surprised. The only people who watch Samantha Bee are looking for some comedic self re-enforcement
  16. Vikings will win what turns out to be a mediocre division.
  17. modern late night is an unfunny mix of Infomercial and Propaganda The humor has been replaced with one sided political attacks that make the hosts sound like a branch of the Democratic party. The interviews are scripted infomercials for whatever project the celebrity is involved in. Back in the day Dean Martin or whoever would come on the show and talk about whatever project they were involved in and the conversation would veer off into comedy. Today the interviewees are reading PR notes off a cue card
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