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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I'd say you're a little early but then I remembered that you're probably on Colored People Time
  2. We're going to Applebees after the game but you're not invited
  3. How about rebooting the Sopranos but instead of Italians in Jersey re-imagine it with Hobbits in Outer Space
  4. If Hiliary decides to run again and Bernie challenges her, team Hiliary will be ready with a heartfelt condolence speech for Bernies unexpected double tap heart attack
  5. Immigrant re-united with her parents http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6044565/Melania-Trumps-parents-U-S-citizens-attorney-says-got-NO-special-treatment.html
  6. great googily moogily That wasn't Molecules you were "studying", it was Kevin Sorbo as Hercules
  7. At first glance of the headline I thought this was gonna affect SNF. Don't scare me like that bro
  8. Sounds like somebody got an anal probe
  9. Saudi Arabia & Canada What does this have to do with Trump?
  10. Or the Green Party Still some votes to count, maybe 8000 or so provisional and absentee ballots. But unless those ballots break heavily for O'Conner (like ~60%) it looks like the Democrats will have failed to flip this seat
  11. None of which mattered to Pasta Joe, who in one malformed sentence demonstrated his poor grasp of the English language, mathematics, and Linux.
  12. Even if Obama had been born prior to Hawaii statehood he would still have been a natural citizen as Hawaii was a US territory prior to statehood. Just like McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone but was just as eligible to serve as President
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