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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/news/venezuela-edge-maduro-unveils-raft-economic-reforms-160712910.html
  2. I knew a guy who spelled his name wrong well into his 30s. His parents weren't married. When he was born his mother spelled his name one way on the birth certificate He went to live with his father who spelled the name another way and this was the spelling that he learned and used. Then one day he was going thru a background investigation that questioned why his birth certificate had one name but he used another
  3. John Garand (gare-end) inventor of the M1 Garand (ga-rand)
  4. Why would somebody want access to the names and addresses of jurors in an active court case?
  5. I I had to venture a guess, Kim's downfall will be a result of Jimmy's ties to Mike and Mike's ties to Gus and Gus' ties to to the Cartel
  6. IIRC they spoke to Gus when he gave permission to assassinate Hank in exchange for sparing Walter
  7. I suspect Nachos ultimate fate was predetermined in Breaking Bad. On a side note "Lalo" is rumored to be introduced in S4
  8. Kavanaugh is a white guy at a Washington Nationals game. Ergo he is a White Nationalist They've been throwing a tantrum like spoiled children since the election. Now they're playing Where's Waldo
  9. By the cop? Yes By the !@#$ers friends and family who see the video? Absolutely not I'm going to venture a guess that the video was recorded by another occupant of the vehicle and uploaded to social media. If the !@# decides to challenge the citation in court, that video should be entered into evidence
  10. RBG looks old enough to be Abraham Lincoln's abuela If you don't know what "abuela" means, be sure to include "clinton" in your Google search
  11. And after the girlfriend, dog, or space alien defense runs its course they throw out the Racist, Sexist, Homophobic slander. Sorry to drag this into the PPP sewer but I had a recent encounter with somebody blaming Trump for their browsing history. I asked him why he gave his smart card and PIN to Donald Trump
  12. Trump was a conscientious objector to a useless war but Hitler drank the Kool-Aid and signed right up for WWI So what you're saying is Trump != Hitler? That's not a very social justicey thing to say
  13. Gatorman believe it or not had a blind squirrel and a nut moment with that comment. But not quite the way he explained it. She does represent the future of America. Spoiled, self-entitled, and perpetually offended
  14. I wonder what percentage of Democrats would have answered the same way in 2010 Funny thing happens when you spend eight years investing the Executive branch with increasing Authoritarian powers. Sometimes other people wield the very powers you meant for yourselves
  15. That Russian Electrical College just won't stop colluding against her
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