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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Actually 8-18 is a pretty good batting average. But this is a football board and 8-18 are some Losmanesque numbers
  2. If you spin an Asian around enough do they become disorientialed?
  3. I like Beth too but she was out of her element on MNF. My brain just equates the sound of Beth Mowens voice to Saturday afternoon College Football
  4. Ketchup on hot dogs should be a capital offense
  5. Could she be the most qualified candidate ever? Just look at the pedigree. Dad was President. Mom was Secretary of State. That's 16 years of Executive experience right there. Throw in some military experience with the Bosnian snipers and a brief stint in command of the USS Comfort Plus a few years running an International money laundering scheme, errr I mean Global Initiative.
  6. Oh you mean when the Bernie Sanders supporter went to a country music event and started shooting up likely Trump voters? Or how about when another Bernie Sanders supporter started shooting at Republican members of Congress?
  7. Progressives are like a virus. They destroy their habitat and move onto the next
  8. Don't know anything about Belize but I would still recommend that you don't drink the water
  9. You and your silly concepts of due process If the Special Counsel observed the pertinent jurisdiction then the political appointees would lose control over the narrative while some professional nobody performs a potentially objective investigation
  10. Call me snake-bitten but I worry about any Buffalo Bill named Trent
  11. Tom Brady is the GOAT. I despise him but have to admit this fact Jim Kelly is a better human being
  12. Let's try some of that "Democratic Socialism" https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics/2018/08/20/argentina-to-file-case-against-venezuela-at-hague-macri-says#gs.dke0PsU
  13. https://www.thewrap.com/asia-argento-paid-hush-money-underage-sexual-assault-accuser-report/
  14. January 2017 when all the celebrities kept their word and fled to Canada
  15. 1. Alabama 2. Whoever Alabama beats in the title game 3. Whoever Alabama beats during Bowl week 4. Whoever lost to the team Alabama beat in the Championship
  16. If McCarron is out for several weeks the Bills should at the very least bring in a camp arm.
  17. I don't know anything about Savannah GA. But here's a picture of Savannah Guthrie
  18. Very good question My guess is that with all the recent turnover in Seattle they are either A - looking for some insurance against the league keying on their franchise QB B - looking for some insurance against the possibility that the rest of the team carried Wilson
  19. You know who else had ties to Russia? Because in SJW America your problems are always somebody elses fault
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