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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Still not as entertaining as The Young Turks election night meltdown, but still a good find And yes to the Asian chick in the Brady jersey
  2. From the creators of the most common firearm in the world: https://www.yahoo.com/news/move-over-musk-kalashnikov-unveils-electric-supercar-162854131.html
  3. Don't forget the required SAPR course explaining why McGillis as an instructor was guilty of sexual harassment of her student Maverick
  4. https://www.newcriterion.com/blogs/dispatch/socialism-as-a-hate-crime-9746
  5. There was no direct interaction from Breaking Bad but there was a series of Saul Goodman commercials
  6. No this is Trump. He wouldn't say it could have been his daughter. He would say something like Mollie Tibbetts could have been my future ex wife
  7. A couple giveaway changes that I'd make: Bears: Pack of Smoking Jay Cutler Candy Cigarettes Dolphins: Starkist Tuna Patriots: Air pressure gages Jaguars: Blue Tarps
  8. https://pilotonline.com/news/military/local/article_23811e14-a53a-11e8-a333-73aec78d8ae9.html
  9. I've been on TSW since almost the beginning and I can honestly say that I've never seen a downturn in the Bull around this place
  10. JSP, tuck this one away for safe keeping Then whip it out in 2020 when baskin tells us how awesome Elizabeth Warren is
  11. Ivanka and Michelle Obama are fair game because they involved themselves in the Administration Melania I'm not sure about. She is a reluctant participant and keeps away from policy matters but is still a participant none the less Baron Trump should be off limits 90s Chelsea should have been off limits. After 2008 involved herself in Hiliary's Presidential aspirations and the Clinton Global Money Laundering Initiative, Chelsea became fair game
  12. I read this one out of context and had to go back a few posts to figure out that AB=Anthony Bourdain At first glance I thought you meant Miss Cleo had joined the Aryan Brotherhood
  13. Little Caesar's slogan is Pizza Pizza. Trump gets two scoops Ergo Trump = Caesar Not exactly a bad thing
  14. Dude if Trump wins re-election that man is going to have massive loud speakers installed on Marine One and and do random flybys of DC, NYC, and LA blasting "We Are the Champions"
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