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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Compare and contrast government run USPS with free market options FedEx, UPS, and Amazon.
  2. https://www.theblaze.com/news/joe_lieberman_acquit_trump
  3. A ruthless and vindictive #orangemanbad takes out his Impeachment frustrations on a middle eastern community organizer
  4. So where did you copy and paste that manifesto from?
  5. I was talking to Nancy who knows Willie, and Willie said before you got involved with the "Hashtag Me too" thing, you were all into the "Pound Me Too" #metoo
  6. Is that the sum total of the #resist crowd at the Capitol, or the overnight campers at a #MAGA rally learning tickets have already sold out?
  7. #MakeAdmenGreatAgain Agreed. El Camino scratched an itch (what happened to Jesse). Don't need a need a spinoff for every character
  8. Good freakin Lord, I'm watching a gun video on Youtube (aka "Gun Porn") and Youtube delivers a Bloomberg ad
  9. I knew the Mike spinoff wouldn't happen because of his age Didn't know the vacuum guy actor died
  10. Hope you weren't planning on streaming the Super Bowl with Roku's Fox channels https://www.inputmag.com/culture/roku-will-stop-offering-fox-channels-to-users-on-february-1
  11. Hope you weren't planning on streaming the Super Bowl with Roku's Fox channels https://www.inputmag.com/culture/roku-will-stop-offering-fox-channels-to-users-on-february-1
  12. It's like, for the children
  13. The hunting guns, they go like this. And you look down the barrel The mass shooter guns, they go like this Shotguns, very powerful. They shoot pellets Would be funny if it were a comedian. But this is a lawmaker trying to ban the things he clearly does not understand :
  14. Please no. If they're doing another BB spinoff, Mike in Philadelphia or give the vacuum cleaner guy a back story
  15. Agreed the politically engaged right was going to vote for Trump. But a chunk of the less engaged and swing voters were either going to sit it out or vote for a 3rd party. Until the deplorables moment
  16. As per usual you are wrong once again. I wish Harvey Weinstein a long miserable life, exceeded only by the length of his prison sentence
  17. I just clicked on the last page, so not really sure how a thread about the corona virus devolved into a rehash of the 2016 election. But anyways, I think HRC deplorables comment was the turning point. In any election there are fence sitters and in 2016 there was a segment of conservative and libertarian voters that were leaning towards a 3rd party vote (such as Gary Johnson) The Deplorables comment was the moment those coin flip voters made up their mind
  18. Does Idaho use potato batteries?
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