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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Don't mount it to the vinyl, the TV will eventually fall and take siding with it. What's under the siding? If it's vinyl siding over wood, just run a stud finder like you would over drywall. Either mount it to the studs or if it's light enough use toggle bolts. If you don't know what's under, then I would recommend removing a small section in an out of the way area to see what you're working with
  2. Just be careful not to attract any hamsters or gerbils. They can develop odd personality traits if they start nibbling on silica packs.
  3. Everytime I see a Fuddruckers all I can think of is the opening to Idiocracy
  4. i've been regulating Google for some time via DuckDuckGo
  5. But the real losers in any New York State political debate are the New Yorkers outside the City
  6. I thought they had dildos on their heads Or maybe I'm thinking of Teletubbies
  7. Haven't changed color yet on the trees but I noticed they've started falling and it's not yet September
  8. Why was Trump meeting with Obama? Sorry, couldn't resist ? Mr President, have you stopped abusing Melania?
  9. Well yeah but those weren't really Marxists according the current crop of Marxists. The current crop of Marxists are really smrt and this time they know what they're doing. All you have to do is click your heels together three times and believe. Then you should understand there come's a time when you got pwnd and should just surrender
  10. At this point even if anything is ratified in the Senate, the next Democrat President may just say something something something Trump something something pen and phone
  11. Also recall the episode where Mike returns from Mexico after the bombing. He was livid and ready to kill Walt If anyone threatened Mike's grand daughter, the thing he loves most, do you think he would have been that upset after his death? How about this theory: somebody threatens Mike's grand daughter and Gus's intervention is what saves her? Thus cementing Mike's respect and loyalty. Of course knowing Gus it could have been him pulling the strings all along
  12. https://www.farmersalmanac.com/weather-outlook/2019-winter-forecast
  13. It's what Catholic priests call choir practice
  14. Today I learned the correct pronunciation of Dr Seuss is "Soice" (rhymes with voice) rather than "Soose" (rhymes with moose)
  15. Neither jihad nor terrorism. just a melted snowflake but okay for devil's advocate, if this were Islamic terrorism would the shooter count as one of the 72 virgins?
  16. I'm sure the Russians and Chinese will abide by that sign and point their missiles elsewhere
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