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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. After a brief stint in the Chair Force you've been living in your mom's basement for 30 years?
  2. Your concept of comparative size reflects an acceptance of Judeo-Christian Heternormative European Cis-Male dominance okay, now my brain hurts
  3. Silly cannuck USC / Stanford is of more interest to those on the West Coast East Coasters will tend to tune into Penn St / Pitt Hate on Penn State all you want, but they do have a rather sizable fan base east of the Mississippi
  4. With all the security surrounding Capitol Hill even on a normal work day, let alone a SCOTUS nomination hearing, you'd think maybe somebody would have noticed the person in a bright pink outfit holding a sign as they came thru the metal detectors. It's almost like somebody may have let her in intentionally
  5. I know a few young black males who take issue with Kaepernick. Granted they're all military veterans with a very different perspective on life than CK
  6. Pretty much my thoughts The last two or three seasons of SoA was basically A-Team on motorcycles. I suspect Mayans will just be Mexican A-Team on motorcycles
  7. Be careful there Doc. We've seen Lefties turn on their own for even the slightest infraction of approved Groupthink. Criticizing Starbucks may be taken as a sign of insufficient wokeness I live on the East Coast so I can't speak to the quality of In-N-Out but as far as some other fast food chains, I can think of more than a few that visiting will result in a movement
  8. You know who else isn't Tyrod Taylor? Hitler Would you rather have Hitler at QB?
  9. First round picks are eligible for the Practice Squad. Players with two seasons on an active roster are not
  10. As much as I hate Florida State, I do have to give them credit for the Tomahawk Chop. When the crowd gets that chant going and the arms start chopping, it's one of the most iconic atmospheres in all of sports
  11. Not only is North Carolina in the top 10 states in number of UFO sightings, North Carolina is also in the top 10 in population
  12. Joe Manchin (WV), Heidi Heitkamp, Joe Donnally (IN), and Jon Tester (MT) are praised as bipartisan Democrats in their election year, then mostly forgotten the other 5 years
  13. https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article217635470.html
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