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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I wish I had some video editing skills because I just had a great idea for a comedy video. Edit some King Friday clips into a Dilly Dilly! skit
  2. I can confirm Tom's story. Everybody knew about on Compuserve. Or was it America Online? I forget which, but I do remember writing a heartfelt bulletin board post in his defense on my Amiga. Or was it a TI99? Come to think of it I may not have had computer back then. Probably not. But I definitely remember taking the post down from Prodigy because I just didn't want the attention
  3. Holy crap, I just noticed something Check out the gesture Obi-Wan is making with his left hand. Is that a white power OK symbol?
  4. Doesn't matter to me when this picture was taken. Just shows you how a Yale educated child of privilege lacks common sense Standing water + electrical cables = Brilliant!
  5. Remember when Republicans at least pretended to care about Fiscal restraint? https://thehill.com/policy/finance/407218-senate-approves-854b-spending-bill
  6. I was a small kid in 1984 and remember that I used to get a laugh out of the grown ups when I told them I was going to vote for the President because the other guy wanted to raise my taxes. Showing my Libertarian side even as a kid
  7. another incredible silent opening, showing how Jimmy & Kim are drawing apart Great camera work in Kim's office when Jimmy asks for help. He was standing halfway in the darkness and half in the light All those office supplies would come in handy making signs for a protest. You wanna know what's up Kim's sleeve....She's about to play The Race Card
  8. blow your house or blow your nose?
  9. That's not an "either or" choice. The answer is both. I'm waiting for the CNN / Mainstream Media announcement to not read the texts because it's illegal to read classified information, so you should let them read the texts for you and tell you about them
  10. DirecTV has a monopoly thru the 2022 season
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