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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I thought that was a white trash parody video at first, but WTF that sh#t went downhill fast! Both sides armed. Both sides looking for a confrontation. Neither side appears to be that bright.
  2. And it promotes questioning The People's Party. Can't let the proles start doing that
  3. Because this isn't coming from a victim of sexual assault. This is coming from an act of political desperation
  4. Even in the rare instances where you form a logical well thought out argument, it still sounds silly because it's coming from you
  5. https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/21/us/walls-glaciers-report-environment-intl/index.html Let's build a wall. It'll be yuuuge. You'll love it. It'll be great
  6. sage wisdom that belongs in the universal advice thread
  7. Looks a little sh#tfaced too. But Jets @ Browns. Can you blame him
  8. I've got Shady on a fantasy team and have obviously had reservations this week. So this morning I browsed available RB and picked up Isaiah Crowell. Almost forgot to put Crowell in the lineup util about 6PM. But dude's already paying off
  9. https://tech.slashdot.org/story/18/09/20/2144213/crippling-ddos-vulnerability-put-the-entire-bitcoin-market-at-risk
  10. Nessie was on her way to DC to testify against how Kavanaugh stalked her and took unwanted photographs
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