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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. And you sexually assaulted every single one of them. They told me so. I'd tell you which ones, but that would be victim shaming You should resign your post on the PPP asshat committee. Nah, I'm not fooling anyone. You've earned a lifetime appointment
  2. Yeah because the Kavanaugh thing was what really inspired her to run for office Hiliary didn't live in New York and Booker didn't quite live in New Jersey. But silly little details like residency never stopped Democrats Don't worry, it's not like the MSM were going to ask them anyway
  3. I've had it with these mother f*king corpses at this mother f*king funeral!
  4. It's a "human bullhorn" and isn't anything new. The idea is one person delivers a message to those in earshot who repeat it so the number of voices amplify the message for those out of earshot. Sounds creepy as hell regardless of the context
  5. https://science.slashdot.org/story/18/10/04/1918200/wide-scale-us-wind-power-could-cause-significant-warming-study-says
  6. Except I don't browse porn on my phone. I use a Virtual Machine on my desktop PC for that
  7. Republicans should confer ahead of the floor vote to see if they have enough votes to confirm. If the Republicans know they have enough votes going into the vote, Mike Pence should personally preside over the proceedings (as is his prerogative as Vice President) Upon confirmation Pence and the Senate Republicans should bust out with
  8. That's the look of somebody who just read a report that implicates them somehow and has to make some kind of deal to keep it quiet
  9. And there people upset that Trump was able to send them a direct message My concern over this system, as well as Amber Alerts and local emergency alert systems, is whether consumers are charged for data usage on unsolicited and unavoidable government alerts
  10. Poll: Amid Kavanaugh Confirmation Battle, Democratic Enthusiasm Edge Evaporates
  11. QB: Rodgers @ Detroit or Cousins @ Phi RB (2): Aaron Jones @Det, Chris Thompson @NO, Chris Carson vs Rams, Shady vs Ten, Freeman @Pit Flex: WR Baldwin vs Rams, WR Edelman vs Indy, TE McDonald vs Atl, or 3rd RB from above Def: GB@Det or Balt@Cle
  12. Was that before or after you were drafted by the Viet Kong? Is that a fancy way of saying you were conceived in the back of a 1980 Ford Escort?
  13. we know from Breaking Bad that Lalo is still alive at the time of the initial meeting between Saul and Walt/Jesse Lalo is blowing sunshine up Gus's wazoo to get a feel for where Gus stands with with the Salamanca's and Don Eladio I doubt the Salamanca's suspect Nacho at this point. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the Salamanca's don't see Nacho as much more than hired muscle
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