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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Of the Democratic Party
  2. Was the suit dirty and nasty or did it just look like it had been hanging in a closet for a year or two? If it looks like was just hanging, that's really not a big deal these days. Other than job interviews, weddings, and funerals, most people under 50 don't regularly wear suits
  3. And these same people think they should be in charge of providing your Health Care
  4. Ironic how the Tolerant Left can so easily dehumanize somebody because they disagree with their political views
  5. If you have witnessed what Cancer does to someone, you would never think such a thing
  6. Kinda ironic to have "Depends" as an option, since 4 out of 6 candidates probably wear them
  7. Iowa Caucus tonite (03 Feb) State of the Union tomorrow (04 Feb)
  8. Game day
  9. Further proof there are two Americas. The Woke Blue Check Marks focus on the immigration political statement. The rest of America was focused on Shakira's ass and inner thighs
  10. Lefties love to talk about how thin skinned and unhinged Trump is. But do you really want a President that gets flustered by being called short. Dude's got a Napoleon complex
  11. sh*t like this doesn't happen in Virginia, because somebody would have shot the jihadist before the cops arrive. well for now anyways, til governor blackface and bloombergs minions screw things up
  12. Dancing Sam Elliot was pretty good
  13. J-Lo grabbing her crotch then high fiving the crowd
  14. J-Lo, Shakira, the players, Joe Buck, Mike Bloomberg
  15. Turn on mute and hope to see less J-Lo and more Shakira
  16. The Shining, Rick & Morty, and Momoa were best of first half
  17. damn google, way to buzzkill the super bowl
  18. Wubalubdub! It's Pringles Rick!
  19. Jack Ryan with a Boston accent Cheeto dust SJW Astronauts All lame
  20. Bryan Cranston / Mountain Dew / THe Shining
  21. Ugh, Tom Brady commercial At least it wasn't another Bloomberg commercial
  22. Tony Romo answering the Corona Virus Hotline
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