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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. They were going to go on tour with former Vice President Joe Biden, but he was already booked
  2. He will also have to bring donuts to the weekly meeting and be referred to as FNG
  3. I hope this one doesn't make a "Crazy Ivan" Florida Pan handle, up the eastern seaboard, back out to sea over virginia, loop back around, hits southern florida, back out to sea, for Texas/Louisiana
  4. But the need for an alternative route to the silk road came after the fall of Constantinople and Islamic domination of the Eastern Mediterranean.
  5. So has the 230 year old understanding that appointees would be given a fair hearing instead of a partisan media circus. Forward!
  6. Blowing up an airliner full of bystanders sounds a little out of character for either Mike (conscience) or Gus (too much attention) My guess is Madrigal, which if you remember is based in Germany, cleans up the mess
  7. Is it fair that Rhode Island has as much say as Texas? Is it fair that Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Delaware out number Texas by a ratio of 5 to 1 Maybe Texas should get more Senators. Or does your logic only apply to blue states?
  8. It's still a strange feeling, looking at a picture of an American diplomatic jet and not wondering how many pallets of unmarked foreign currency are on board
  9. Considering Vox's previous articles and the image they provided, I'm going to venture a guess they blame white people.
  10. Democrats had been floating the idea of packing the court since around the time Gorsuch was nominated. Another concept to keep in the back of your mind is nullification. Lefties have been theorycrafting that since Russia hacked the election and Trump lost the popular vote, his Presidency is illegitimate. Upon retaking the White House and Congress, Democrats should remove Trump's Supreme Court (and lower court) appointees. Any rulings by Trump courts are nullified. Any Executive Orders signed by Trump become illegitimate. Any legislation signed by Trump becomes illegitimate. Basically a political mulligan where they can come in and scream DO OVER!
  11. Do you pick winning lottery numbers but forget to buy the ticket?
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