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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. My guess is HRC does not want to subject herself to a Background Investigation that could expose her dealings at the State Department
  2. How would it make her more difficult to track? It's not like they RFID tag people with a clearance. Bill and HRC are two of the most recognizable faces on the planet. Include their entourage and the requirements of their lavish lifestyles, and they will be easy to track
  3. And most of Hiliary's crowd were media covering Hiliary I remember when Tim Kaine visited Old Dominion in 2016. You'd think a sitting home state US Senator touted as the next Vice President of the United States might draw a crowd and the official press releases kinda looked like it. But the unofficial social media pictures that came out showed a gathering of media, security, and event organizers.
  4. I have no use for maternity care but the ACA still makes my Health Insurance provider charge me for the coverage
  5. When the Republicans hold the House, Senate, and White House they spend like Democrats. When Democrats are out of power they throw tantrums I do give Senate Republicans some credit for confirming a large number of Constitutionalist judges to the Federal Judiciary
  6. I'm not saying it doesn't cover them. I'm asking what reason do Rosalyn Carter, Laura Bush, or Michelle Obama need to have access to currently classified information? I guess my question boils down to having clearance vice a need to know Because it's her birthright?
  7. You think they would have at least photo shopped some non-white people to placate the SJW
  8. You know what else was a choice? Having a second scoop of ice cream and a diet coke after a gang rape. Which you may have participated in. I can't corroborate the accusation or find anyone willing to testify under oath. But you should still be ashamed
  9. I can understand a former Secretary of State being given access to classified information. But why exactly does the First Lady has a Security Clearance? And why do former FLOTUS need access to classified info?
  10. Think like a Progressive. The states are Californian, New York, Illinois, New England, and the rest of them
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