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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. So the military exercise in Scandinavia is meant to deter the Russians in Antarctica? And I've got a feeling I know where you're going with this
  2. My guess is Amazon Prime. They can deliver anything in 2 days Granted the banner was probably manufactured in a Guatemalan sweat shop to begin with.
  3. I disagree. The news media in the US has a definite use and purpose: To push the Democrat narrative
  4. What I love about the College GameDay picks is the back and forth between Desmond Howard, Kirk Herbstreet, Lee Corso, and the guest picker. At one point Bledsoe and Howard disagreed about a pick and Bledsoe made a comment about Howard ruining his Super Bowl
  5. Beavis and Butthead Office Space Idiocracy Classics all
  6. if at first you don't succeed, try again. http://theweek.com/speedreads/802785/former-hillary-clinton-adviser-says-theres-chance-run-2020
  7. Amazon original production of King Lear with Anthony Hopkins in the titular role. Set in modern Britain but the dialog is Shakespeare
  8. Leftists could be persuaded to accept the use of child soldiers if the term "child soldier" was replaced with "33rd trimester abortion"
  9. What Trump should do is eliminate the policies that penalizes federal agencies for coming in under budget. If an agency doesn't spend all of it's budget in a fiscal year, their budget is cut accordingly the following year. So agencies go on spending sprees at the end of the FY to avoid a budget cut. But if an agency overspends they argue their budget is too low and are rewarded with an increased budget. How about if an agency come in under budget, the following years budget is not cut. 75% of the leftover budget is returned to the Treasury to pay off principal on the Federal debt. The remaining 25% is disbursed to workers within the agency as a bonus for coming in under budget
  10. To paraphrase a Progressive trailblazer: A single death is a tragedy. Thousands of deaths is a statistic.
  11. That's because you're one of the few remaining rational Liberals The #Resist SJW Blue Kool-Aid drinkers stuck in their social media bubbles expecting the storming of the Bastille next month are in for another violation of their safe space
  12. dude, don't ruin it. unexpected defeat makes liberal tears extra salty
  13. Define a protected class of people And why should one group receive protections that are not afforded to another?
  14. all that porn is slowing you down. your network connection is all sticky
  15. 58? So that's what, one from every one of Obama's states plus an illegal immigrant?
  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_health_care_plan_of_1993
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