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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Muslims worship Allah and blow stuff up to appease Admiral Ackbar Ackbar and Trump are roughly the same skin tone
  2. Lame attempt at deflection so I'll ask again, even tho we both know the answer. Is the petition that you cited signed only by citizens of Pittsburgh or is it open to residents of other cities?
  3. Random question, are those 30,000 signatures all from citizens of Pittsburgh? Or are residents of San Francisco, New York, LA, Chicago, etc signing the petition to keep Trump out of Pittsburgh?
  4. Awesome game but controls can be aggravating at times. The crafting / clothing / eating / horse care is going to get real tedious Played yesterday up to the scene where you go to the bar with Lenny and my ass off. Hey Lenny, is that you?
  5. Strike up the Lesley Gore background music: It's her party and she'll run if she wants to...
  6. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columnists/not-about-left-vs-right-but-insider-vs-outsider
  7. Because Trump is literally super mecha Hitler
  8. Brits are probably thinking "overpaid, oversexed, and over here"
  9. Based on rankings, Georgia @ Kentucky looks like a decent game. But Kentucky is nowhere near as good as their record or rankings suggest. Next week's schedule has a pair of blockbusters (Penn St @ Michigan and Alabama @ LSU) followed by a whole lotta "meh"
  10. Muslim woman Democrat, that's like hitting a triple If she were a Lesbian Muslim woman Democrat, that's like hitting a home run.
  11. New rule this season. Supposed to prevent head injuries on kickoffs
  12. Trump's uncle took possession of Nikola Tesla's private papers after the reclusive genius' death during the War. Including work on death rays and time travel
  13. I would suggest Papadopoulos visit a psychiatrist and a cardiologist, he seems like a prime candidate for an unforeseen heart attack or double tap suicide.
  14. So after a week, the results are in 73% of college football fans (22/30) don't care about Alabama games 91% of non-Alabama fans (21/23) don't care about Alabama games 14% of Alabama fans (1/7) are over it too
  15. You missed a good one Cold and rainy day. Penn St played sloppy in the first half. Punting team gave up two safeties (one on dropped snap/blocked kick and the other on a terrible snap that sailed out of the end zone). Iowa scored a touchdown on a 4th and goal trick play pass from their punter to a defensive lineman. Trace McSorely injured his knee in the first half and Penn St played their backup QB. Yet somehow they went to halftime tied at 17. McSorely returned in the second half and had one of those beautiful McSorely TD runs in the 3rd. Penn St was up 27-17 and looked like they were about to put it away but fumbled in the Red Zone. Then on Penn St's next possession McSorely threw a pick six, cutting Penn St's lead to 27-24 Down 30--24, Iowa had it first and goal from inside 5 with about 3 minutes left. Some confusion on the play call led an Iowa WR to just kind of stand there after the snap. The ball sailed past him and right into the arms of a Penn St defender Iowa got the ball back with a minute and a half and no timeouts but Penn St held Penn St 30, Iowa 24
  16. I haven't been to a synagogue in a long time, but there is one a few miles from my house. Really weird kind of synagogue too, they're like black Orthodox Jews for Jesus. I don't really know how that works but it's a thing The story I got was at a 7/11 nearby with a friend. We walked in and there was a group of black guys dressed up like Orthodox Jews, with the hat and the curls. I looked at my friend like WTF and she said she'd explain in the car. They apparently observe Orthodox Judaism but accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They are so strict in their observances that they have been targeted by thieves on the Sabbath. Police regularly park a cruiser in the parking lot because the congregation would not stop a theft in progress
  17. I used to watch that alot when I was a kid. When I was a teenager my Mom had made a comment that she played it alot because she liked the song. Well she used to like the song, until I explained to her the song was a euphemism about marijuana.
  18. when are taco bell nacho fries coming back?
  19. okay greggy, i have an idea for a conspiracy theory for you to chase Earlier this week there was a $1.6 Billion dollar lottery winner. Later in the week there was a failed mail bomb attempt and a mass shooting. Could MegaMillions / Powerball / etc be a front to raise and launder funds for Black Ops? Are the winners just actors and the Jackpots the Deep State cashing out in plain sight?
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