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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. So if they count the ballots 100 times and the Republican wins the first 99 ballots but the Democrat wins the 100th, does the Democrat win or can the Republican ask for another recount?
  2. i keep misplacing my phone so I was thinking maybe getting some kind of a cord and attaching it the wall or a desk. Why didn't anyone think of this before?
  3. And a ton of references to RDR2 in last night's episode of South Park You should have asked him to take you to dinner first
  4. at least you made it past lunch this time
  5. gave him medicine
  6. I found that mission too but didn't think to blow up the safe. I'll keep that in mind later There's a silimar mission in Rhodes that gets you a repeater. Ive helped some folks get out of bear traps or healed a snakebite. Later I'd be in town and run into the guy sitting on a porch near the gunshop. To show his gratitude he tells you to go to the gunshop and pick out anything and out it on his tab. Picked up few free guns that way
  7. you've got a box full of those in your mom's basement
  8. And the ashtray Shoutbox not at the top, posts aren't numbered, and the ashtray And this paddle game Shoutbox not at the top, posts aren't numbered, the ashtray, and this paddle game...
  9. What's the difference between a joke and 5 black guys? Hammersticks can't take a joke
  10. I had a similar run in on the bayou. Guy sitting on his porch noticed I was hungry and offered some food. I walked inside, got knocked upside the head, and had a brief blackout animation that felt like something out of Deliverance where the guy told me I wasn't gonna get away. Woke up and rode back. Guy was on his porch and said You Again! then tried to run inside. But one shot from my bolt action rifle stopped him in his tracks. I put his corpse on the back of my horse and dropped him next to the swamp. Grabbed my shotgun, blew his head off, and left him for the gators You only get a perfect pelt if the animal is three stars. When you target or study an animal there will be one, two, or three stars next to the name. This tells you the highest quality pelt you could receive (1 star for poor, 2 for good, 3 for perfect). If you study the animal you will see what type of weapon and ammo is needed for the highest available pelt. And then depending on the animal you have to hit a critical spot (which are marked via dead eye) I bet boyst has lasso'd a few bears. Or maybe they lasso'd him Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start
  11. Arthur's tent upgrade becomes available after you upgrade Dutch's tent
  12. Hopefully Erie doesn't get another epic snowstorm like last Christmas.
  13. Ive shot a few horses in gun fights but never had the option to skin them. Haven't killed a wild horse yet. One thing I want to try when I get around to hunting, is live bait. Hogtie a small animal or an Odriscoll and leave it out for a predator.
  14. How about VA2 93.89% Reporting Scott Taylor 122,815 Elaine Luria 122,859
  15. On a related note https://www.foxnews.com/us/michigan-k-9-officer-killed-after-shoot-out-at-baby-shower For the K9, not the dead perp
  16. you should swing for that
  17. Already learned that lesson Had another similar run in later in Valentine but didn't follow Was riding south of the Braithwaite estate when a damsel in distress flagged me down. Then she pulled out a revolver and demanded my money. So I blew her head off with my semi auto shotgun. Two more red dots appeared, somebody screamed Holy S##t he killed ,<whatever her name > so I chased both down and killed them too and looted all three. Had another run in walking into the gun shop in saint Denis. Black guy bumped into me and said in stereotypical voice "scuse me missa". I lost some cash and he ran off. I pursued on foot, lassod and hogtied him, and took all his money. Then I whistled my horse, got on a few yards away, and galloped right over the guy.
  18. Those stickers were kinda cool when I was like 18 and had voted the first time Now they're as interesting and useful as a chicata bananna sticker
  19. They numbers will be adjusted but not to affect the outcome
  20. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/06/new-discovery-throws-light-on-mystery-of-pyramids-construction I'm not saying it wasn't aliens. But it wasn't aliens
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