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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. alas poor peterman, we knew him. a fellow of infinite interceptions
  2. A couple more years until Brady calls it quits for Peterman to learn how to torment us for another 15
  3. Not to mention the fact that until a little over a hundred years ago Southern California was a borderline desert. The aqueduct system turned it into a borderline paradise attracting millions of people. But the aqueduct system has not been upgraded to meet the increased population
  4. The next Chair of the House Financial Services Committee https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/nov/11/why-wall-street-must-get-ready-for-maxine-waters/
  5. Did you check Fosters outhouse? There's a loose floorboard hiding a tonic for Chlamydia. You're going to need it for some side missions with Mrs Downes
  6. The 1914 Serbian equivalent of Antifa assassinated a political figure
  7. https://www.wsj.com/articles/hillary-will-run-again-1541963599
  8. Dramatic re-enactment of the Obama White House on the evening of November 8th, 2016....
  9. This is set in the old West. There was no toilet paper. Man up and just use a leaf If you're looking for an epic bullfrog, check the Saint Denis vaudeville show
  10. Heads up (with a minor spoiler) for anyone collecting pelts to upgrade your satchel and camp. Pay attention to morale in camp as you follow the main story line General spoiler More specific spoiler
  11. a few years ago at the Walmart deli I asked for a dozen slices of provolone cheese. kid behind the counter, probably high school age, asked me what a dozen was
  12. she'll get confused and say the rules are relics of slavery and tools of ciswhite male superiority
  13. How did you switch from a noon game that ended at 3:15 over to a game that started at 3:30 on the same network? I enjoyed the Penn St game, but then again I'm a Penn St homer. Bedlam has been exciting lots of points on the board. If you prefer defense, Northwestern@Iowa on Fox is 7-3 midway thru the 3rd
  14. I wouldn't put it past the Trumpster to use this to set up the most Epic Troll in the history of International politics Part of the reason that the motorcade and Presidential chopper can't make it there safely is the size of the entourage makes it a public spectacle. But if he engaged Special Forces to smuggle him in quietly he could show up near the end of the ceremony and say "Just like a 100 years ago America came here to finish this"
  15. One word: Porn Strange, she always sounded like a ditz to me But yet she can't figure out how to pay her rent
  16. Explain to me how it's the President's fault when the Secret Service and USMC cannot securely alter the President's itinerary. Trump's gotta be hating this. Poor visuals not having the American President at the ceremony, he seems to enjoy honoring the military and veterans, and all the European big wheels get to have all the spotlight he craves for himself
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