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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. actually the playoffs will be Bama, two "whatever's" that will be steamrolled by Bama, and whoever loses to the team that Alabama beats in the Championship
  2. A game featuring those uniforms should be watched on a black & white TV Imagine if you will, the chaos a Maryland upset of Ohio St coupled with an Ohio St victory over Michigan would unleash on the Playoff picture.
  3. The Global Warming thread is nearing it's 4th anniversary and the Guns thread is a few months older than that
  4. npc_Thurmal34->setStatus(sleepingItOff);
  5. An NFL owner and political contributor was once named ambassador to Ireland
  6. Seattle: Seattle looks like they're heading for a rebuilding season or two so Carroll may opt for retirement Green Bay: Back to back underachieving seasons coupled with locker room strife between McCarthy and Rodgers
  7. I walked into the Saint Denis tailor and was pick pocketed. Chased the guy down, hogtied him, and looted him to get my money back. Ended up down the street from the Saint Denis police station so I carried him in, thinking I could report the crime. There are no cops inside the station but the bounties I had collected were still in their cells (nice touch). So I dropped the dude off outside the cells. Once I walk out the door I'm wanted for kidnapping I had an odd situation at the Trading Post north of Saint Denis. I walked into the saloon and was bumped into by a drunk guy who challenged me to a duel. As I'm standing there with my finger on the trigger waiting for Dead Eye to activate the guy falls over drunk. Then the town starts to attack me and I'm losing honor points for each kill defending myself I bagged my first Legendary animal last night, the Legendary Moose. But I'm kind of disappointed RDR2 has a Legendary Moose but didn't include a Legendary Squirrel.
  8. Question about the Legendary animals. Do you have to hunt them multiple times for the crafted gear or does one pelt apply to all pieces of the set? Found an easy but random way to collect perfect wolf pelts. Ride around an area with wolves and you may get a random encounter with someone fighting off a wolf or two. Within about an hour I had four or five such encounters. Head shots net you perfect pelt Ran into the Klan again outside the train station to the south of Valentine. They were trying to raise a cross but it landed on two of them and crushed them. I lasso'd the Grand Dragon stowed him on my horse. Then I blew up the cross and two dead Klansmen with a stick of dynamite. Somebody didn't take kindly to my actions and reported me for disturbing the peace. I had to evade bounty hunters for a few minutes before riding up a high railroad trestle and tossing the Grand Dragon over
  9. Did the trapper respawn? He makes some decent gear for you Did he have any decent loot?
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmations_of_Barack_Obama's_Cabinet
  11. Not much on the schedule this week. I got Penn St at noon of course, but the rest of the schedule isn't that interesting. This weeks is like the calm before next week's storm of rivalry games
  12. I was thinking Walter White without the glasses
  13. If they're going against "bad actors" as you claim, when are they taking down Ben Affleck?
  14. Or maybe Trump sent Kavanaugh to rough her up
  15. Trust me on this one. You'll thank me later Or don't. And wish you had
  16. Don't you find it odd that the lawyers for the DNC are making the kind of statements you might expect from the lawyers for the Gambinos?
  17. I ran across them too. When they scattered I launched a dynamite arrow to take most of them out and hunted down the remainders. You gain honor by killing them Also kinda enjoyable blowing their hooded heads off with a shotgun at close range There are two more KKK events around Rhodes but I haven't found them yet.
  18. Anyone else get the vibe that the whole HQ2 competition thing Amazon was running was a scam? That maybe they had decided long ago where they were locating their HQ2 but saw an opportunity for some free positive PR in the candidate markets while milking Crystal City and NYC for all the extra incentives?
  19. I suggest you postpone taming the white arabian until after chapter 6. There is also a side mission series called The Veteran, I would also suggest you delay The Veteran Part IV until after Chapter 6 as well. It will also boost the horses stamina regeneration One of the beginner tips is to time your gallop (X button on Playstation) with the horses stride to lessen stamina drain. I've also gotten into the habit of alternating gallop and calm in cadence with the horses stride. It helps the energy drain and builds up the bond
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