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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. If true, this speaks volumes about the "Special Relationship". Obama was willing to ask our strongest ally to spy on his political opposition. Our strongest ally was willing to oblige British Collusion
  2. pink news anything you want to tell us Jack?
  3. porn
  4. did you drive past Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein?
  5. it's full of canadians
  6. pe-cahn pie and wash it down with pop
  7. Unless you're watching an actual sporting event, ESPN is useless That said, I do enjoy the last 15 minutes or so of College Game Day when they do their picks segment. They're not trying to be edgy or pushing some SJW narrative or shilling for whatever story line the NBA/NFL/MLB/NCAA wants reported. It's just 5 guys talking smack.
  8. The last time a TSW'er talked about wagering 5k it didn't work out so well
  9. QB: Rodgers or Cousins RB: Carson or Cook
  10. You beat me to it, so here's the video
  11. Who could have thought this might happen after decade of ZIRP? https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/21/theres-a-9-trillion-corporate-debt-bomb-bubbling-in-the-us-economy.html
  12. I how much of the $22.8 from 2017 came from commitments made prior to November 2016
  13. They're just some good old boys, never meaning no harm
  14. meadcoins have not lost any value
  15. Be well LABillzFan
  16. Anyone else see the irony in a gun study by somebody named Mauser?
  17. Revoke her security clearance pending a review Something that was not but should have been applied to former Secretary Clinton
  18. awww thats so cute. they're dressing up like their Fortnite avatars
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