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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Two TVs, Bills game on smaller, Big screen to play Red Dead Redemption
  2. Im holding off on RDO until the bugs are worked out. But from what I've read it starts on a part of the map you haven't traveled to yet, references a main story line you haven't experienced yet, and ends in Blackwater.
  3. A wise choice RDO has a story/tutorial that picks up after Epilogue II
  4. if we outlaw tear gas only outlaws will use tear gas
  5. I can't find the stats on the pre-order horse in this chart: https://rankedboost.com/red-dead-redemption-2/horse-saddle/ But the following video looks like they about 4 health, 4 stamina, 7 speed, and 5 acceleration. (7/7/10/8 at level 4). Very nice stats but you can find similar or better in game The horse I'm riding now is base 7/7/6/6. At level 4 it's 10/10/9/9. And there's a Stranger mission outside Rhodes where a woman on a horse challenges you to a race. If you win the race legitimately (no shortcuts or murder) your horse gets +1 speed A 10/10/10/9 horse is awesome except when the thing keeps running into trees and boulders Nothing like exploring the Southwest part of the map and your horse trips over a boulder sending you flying over the edge of a canyon
  6. and he sent her on TV and speaking tours without her permission too why do all these white women keep doing what their white men tell them to?
  7. Chromecsst https://www.tomsguide.com/us/use-chromecast-ios-android,news-18290.html FireTV will need 3rd party apps since FireTV is Android based
  8. Rather than ask WWMD, ask yourselves WWBBD.
  9. The pre-order horse is an above average horse but nowhere near the best. And Pay-To-Win is not as much fun as breaking a wild horse (like my Tiger Mustang), stealing a horse (Slumlord) or completion of a mission (Buell)
  10. Curious what everyone has in their stables, types and if you gave them a name. I have three rank four horses at the moment Buell: Probably the most balanced horse I've encountered. Decent health, stamina, speed, and acceleration. I don't think Buell ever ran into a tree or tripped over a boulder, and doesn't seem to get as spooked by nearby predators. And then there's his back story which makes him a keeper Tiger: Tiger Striped Mustang. A rare wild mustang, nowhere near as good stats as the White Arabian but still a very good horse. Ran into her while hunting the legendary pronghorn. Tiger's had a few trips but I don't think she's run smack into a tree Slumlord: Rose Grey Arabian. The best statistical horse in the game. The White Arabian is the best wild horse in the game but the Rose Grey has better speed and acceleration (7/7 vs 6/6). The Arabians (Black, White, and Rose Grey) all have a reputation for running into trees and tripping over stuff, which I can confirm . There are two ways to get the Rose Grey, either buy it in Blackwater ($1,000ish) or steal one . There are a few spawn points in towns where the horse breeds are random, usually the low end Kentucky Saddlers or Morgans. But every once in a while they'll spawn a higher end breed. So over the weekend I'm riding past one of these spots, check out the horses, and score! I didn't even have to break him like a wild horse and no witnesses so no bounty either. The particular spot was in the northern Saint Denis outskirts/slums, hence the name Slumlord I haven't spent much time in the Grizzlies yet, but when I do I'll try to track down the White Arabian to fill my stable
  11. that would explain the 6GB update today
  12. Are you implying that Manaforts life is under threat while in Federal custody? And one interesting legal tidbit, Law Enforcement is only responsible to protect an individual while in their custody.
  13. The Volt was crony capitalism at it's worst
  14. don't worry about money until the epilogue. in fact, hold onto as many valuables (watches, jewelry, etc) as you can in your satchel. live the american dream and buy all the guns you can afford. and treat yourself to some nice clothes. buy all the outfits you have money for trust me on this one
  15. I do the no shave november thing but am clean shaven the rest of the year. I can't grow a full beard, only the mustache and goatee come in. Sides are too patchy. And I can't wait until this weekend when I can shave it off
  16. I've heard him barking in the distance but haven't interacted. Maybe I'll Rob him next time
  17. Funny how that happens to crony capitalists when the government stops succling.
  18. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/24/opinion/sunday/john-roberts-donald-trump.html
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