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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I propose that we nickname LA Quarterback Charles Kanoff as "Jack"... Jack Kanoff
  2. i'm enjoying the coaches comms, more specifically some of the verbage they use drain left nasty
  3. WR Caught a TD bomb a moment ago. 6-0 Houston
  4. So you know this is on ABC right? You could just use an antenna to watch it. And if I'm right that you're Albion, PA, the WJET broadcast towers in Summit are well within range
  5. Yeah, the NFL should adopt this
  6. Direct family members are a consideration when granting clearance or access to sensitive information. Even the most dedicated, loyal, and patriotic individual might choose family over country
  7. But the coverage map color for T Mobile is purple ATT on the other hand is orange. With two "T"s for two scoops of Trump
  8. If Vindman had done this during a Democrat administration he would not have been fired or court martialed. he would have been arkancided
  9. First came Disney+ (ABC & Fox) Then came Peacock (NBC) Next up is CBS/Viacom https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/06/viacomcbs-new-streaming-service-to-include-paramount-cbs-all-access.html
  10. Wow, when I clicked that video I was not expecting Earth Wind and Fire. With that preview image, I was expecting...
  11. Neither. It's an infomercial meant to frighten non-white people and agitate virtue signalers
  12. Especially if the lesbian candidate is attractive. Male voters be like
  13. It's not Hiliary's fault she went to Wisconsin instead of California. Those pesky Russian hackers messed with her GPS
  14. And there was a mainstream element that wanted Clinton to remain as "Caretaker" until Florida could figure out how to declare Gore the winner
  15. So Biden's strategy is for black voters to do what they're supposed to do? How very Progressive
  16. There was a similar hysteria in 2008 that the last super mecha literal hitler was going to either cancel the 2008 elections or use the military to prevent the obamassiah from healing the earth
  17. As long as I have a face, Ivanka and Tiffany Trump will have somewhere to sit
  18. I love how you characterize PPP as a "conservative board". It's the political sub forum of a football message board, meant to keep political arguments off the main board and general conversation boards anyone is welcome to contribute to PPP. we've had folks of all political persuasions come thru here full of piss and vinegar only to leave with their tail between their legs or in a huff declaring victory.
  19. And was subsequently killed in a botched robbery
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