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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. I think he's planning on doing the late career Joe Paterno / Bobby Bowden thing. Use his name and prestige to build a solid staff and walk the sidelines as Coach Emeritus
  2. agreed Alabama and Clemson are locks regardless what happens today Notre Dame is in too Today is about that final piece of the puzzle Georgia's fate is in their own hands. Win and they're in. If Georgia loses, Ohio State needs to absolutely humiliate Northwestern in Prime Time to jump Oklahoma
  3. If they're like the mafia as you say, they may have similar rules as to who and when people can be killed. Maybe Obama was sent to kill Bush because only a President can kill a President
  4. Earlier today I was typing something up and needed help spelling the word cognizant. So I Googled the word and there is a large company called Cognizant. My need to spell it was totally unrelated to the company. But I got the spelling that I needed and went about my merry business Now it's Saturday in the fall. Like all fall Saturday's, I'm watching some College Football. Specifically the Big 12 Championship game (Texas vs Oklahoma) on ABC. This game has had several commercial breaks including ads for Cognizant. I don't recall seeing ads for them before today Now it's possible Cognizant has ties to the Big12, UT, or OU. But I just thought it was odd that I started seeing ads on television for a company with the same name as a word I had Googled earlier in the day.
  5. Are you implying that George HW Bush, scion of the Deep State according to your many theories, was either killed by his very own Deep State or timed his own death, to the benefit of the Deep State? That's BSC even for you
  6. Speaking of DHL https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/18/12/01/0250201/dhl-to-invest-300-million-to-quadruple-robots-in-warehouses-in-2019
  7. I would not sign Hunt at this particular moment. However if the jurisdictional law enforcement agencies confirm that no charges have been or will be filed, I would off him a three year contract at league minimum with no signing bonus and a roster bonus for 2020. Hunt will not play again in 2018. The NFL will slap him with a 6 game suspension as is their right regardless of the legal situation. Hunt's actions have brought serious negative publicity to the NFL as a whole so the NFL is within their rights to suspend or even ban him outright. Structure a contract at league minimum for the remainder of 2019 while he sits at home. League minimum for 2020 and 2021. If he keeps out of trouble and performs on the field, by 2021 this will have blown over. Give him a nice roster bonus in 2021 and negotiate a long term extension
  8. With only 5 games left this season, I'm not sure anyone will pick him up with the spectre of a multi game suspension on the horizon
  9. I'm a little surprised by today's scheduling with both likely blowout games in prime time, the most likely competitive shootout as the early game, and a rematch of the National Championship squeezed in the middle
  10. And my grandfather as well My grandmother had a series of heart attacks around age 90 and my grandfather could not really care after her. He was not in poor health but by age 90 most people have slowed down quite a bit. So my Dad had them put into a nursing home after many arguments and alot of guilt. It was one of those "senior centers" type places that wasn't a totally depressing nursing home but at it's core it is what it is. They had suites available for married couples and my grandmother could get the medical supervision she needed. Over the next two years or so my grandmother had a couple more heart attacks and eventually passed away Maybe about a year after she had passed away my parents went for a visit. We didn't just throw grandma and grandpa in a nursing home and forget about them. My parents would visit them a couple times a week, and if my brother or I were home from college we would stop by for a visit. When my parents visited they would always ask if anyone else in the family or any of his friends had stopped for a visit. My parents told me the last time they visited my grandfather, he mentioned that my grandmother stopped by and he was looking forward to seeing her again. At the time they kinda brushed that off as him being lonely and trying to cope with the nearing anniversary of my grandmothers death That night he passed away in his sleep
  11. They're just trying to keep those orcs and agents of Sauron out of Middle Earth
  12. Did you just assume gender?
  13. Was Alfred Lord Tennyson a fan of Buffalo sports?
  14. l'etat c'est un stylo, un téléphone, et moi
  15. If you have a cable subscription that includes the ESPN family then you can authenticate against your provider on just about any platform of your choice. Android / iPhone / Roku / Linux / PC / Mac If you do not have a subscription, there is always the reddit CFBStreams. But be warned, make sure your device security is solid as reddit streams are the computer security equivalent of barebacking the internet
  16. As someone unfamiliar with the MAC, I have a question. Does the winner of the MAC championship get to call themselves the Big MAC or the MAC Daddies?
  17. A quick glance at the first page of the referenced study shows the data was compiled in early 2013 https://injuryprevention.bmj.com/content/injuryprev/early/2015/06/09/injuryprev-2015-041586.full.pdf?keytype=ref&ijkey=doj6vx0laFZMsQ2 The last sentence of the abstract states: My suspicion is that this survey was conducted to garner support for the failed Assault Weapons Ban of 2013. That said, I'm not confident in their methodology. For example they show a gun ownership rate of 27.1% in Pennsylvania. I ask, have they ever driven thru Pennsyltucky?
  18. but who owns the kevlar?
  19. Lindsay vs Cincy Do you have any WRs or TEs you can plug into your flex? The rest of your RB match ups aren't favorable Miller might be okay, but he's unreliable. The Packers are going to roll the Cardinals so I doubt Johnson sees many touches Chargers @ Patriots (Eckler) and Vikings @ Patriots (Michele) look to be shoot outs
  20. Took your advice and lost by half a point. Should have started Cousins
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