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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Republicans nominated the second worst nominee in at least a generation. But he had the Fortune of running angainst the worst.
  2. Bernie or Jim Webb in the Primary In the General, when presented with the option of Hiliary vs Trump they opted for Not-Hiliary
  3. I know a few life long Democrats that disagree
  4. Depends on whether the atheist is a tolerant atheist or a Zealot Yes, there are atheist zealots. The kind of people that get up in the face of somebody that believes in God to argue they are right and the religious person is a fool. I've met a few atheists more fervent and zealous in their non-belief than any Christian, Jew, Muslim, or Hindu. And in general, they act like a d*ck
  5. The problem with that theory is the Never-Trumpers from 2016 broke for Hiliary because she was the Devil You Know Fast forward to 2020. The Democrats primary battle will likely feature a lurch to the Left. The Democrat nominee will be saying crazy things for attention and Trump will be the Devil You Know
  6. How could Saban block Hurts from going anywhere? Ethically anyway. The Saban coaching tree has many branches and he could call up his former proteges and ask them not to recruit, but I'm not sure that's ethical and may violate NCAA rules. But even still, Hurts can declare anywhere he wants as a student athlete
  7. There were a few moments I caught Bill with that kind of sleepy slack jawed look he's developed over the last few years. This one is not from the Bush funeral but is similar... And Crazy Uncle Joe had a few shots of the old man "resting his eyes" repose.
  8. Assuming history was written by impartial observers rather than partisans in an echo chamber pushing a common Narrative
  9. https://news.slashdot.org/story/18/12/04/2234230/nyc-votes-to-set-minimum-pay-for-uber-lyft-drivers
  10. Two years in a row Three years ago non-conf champion Ohio St was selected over B1G champ Penn St, setting the precedent for including a non-conference champion Notre Dame is not a "shadow" B1G rep. Notre Dame is an ACC representative in all but name. Notre Dame is a member of the ACC for all other sports except for football and hockey. Notre Dame's football schedule has included 5 ACC opponents for the last several years
  11. I was born a few days before Christmas and came home from the hospital on Christmas Eve Yeah sounds cheesy and I still hear stories about the little baby bundle for Christmas
  12. and you'll only get crankier as you age
  13. Total lack of class (and respect) by the Clintons
  14. Lauren Bush Lauren Ashley Walker Bush The Bush Twins Yeah
  15. True statement Three more true statements for you to ponder Human processing of petroleum based products began in the late 19th century Human population in the late 19th century was about 2 Billion Human population today is about 8 Billion
  16. If you've noticed it others may have noticed your change in behavior before you did it but were hesitant to speak up Ask your wife and kids if they've noticed the change in you as well. Or maybe ask the wife and have her discreetly prod the kids for their input. Maybe bring it up with coworkers that you trust If you find this has been going on longer than you realized, it might be time to consult a doctor.
  17. Last year I was visiting Dad for Christmas or Thanksgiving and Comedy Central was running their typical South Park holiday marathon. He walks into the middle of me watching Woodland Critter Christmas and at the end he tells me I watch some weird s**t
  18. Possession of stolen droids
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