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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Kyler Murray Anyone else not surprised?
  2. The original Nintendo Entertainment System. I wanted one so bad but my Dad said they were too expensive and I'd just get bored with it. Woke up on Christmas Day and was thrilled. I remember the look of joy on my Mom's face and Dad looking at her like "oh no you didn't"
  3. Mass shooting, plane crash, act of terrorism, or maybe Alex Smith's infected leg spawns a Zombie Apocalypse.
  4. Because somebody else did write it. Experienced Congressional Democrats and their legal counsel probably called her up and told her to STFU for a moment while they cover her ass
  5. And I know gay people that eat at Chic-Fil-A But go ahead with your boycott. They're really hurting for business
  6. The French never used tear gas during the Obama administration!
  7. That look on your face when you're on national TV and somebody lets one fly
  8. maybe Trump was using Presidential letterhead to send out d*ck pics
  9. Actually a case could be made that WWI was the Russians fault. After the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand the Austro Hungarian Empire was threatening the Serbs and it was the Russians that first mobilized for war. When the Austro Hungarians attacked Serbia the Russians attacked the Austro Hungarians The Austro Hungarians were aligned with Germany, who was treaty bound to attack Russia The Russians were aligned with France, who was treaty bound to attack Germany Germany had punked down France a few decades previously so they already knew the fastest way to get to Paris was thru Belgium, who had a treaty with the United Kingdom
  10. That would be odd if you had DNA from Julius Caesar. His daughter Julia died in childbirth and bastard son Casarian (whose claim can be questioned) died childless
  11. I read somewhere that like 1% of the worlds population is descended from Ghengis Khan On a similar note, something like 1% of the American population(myself included) is descended from a Mayflower passenger John Howland who fell overboard during the crossing and almost didn't make it ashore
  12. Your contribution would be better served at the local animal shelter
  13. Was your test administered by a Catholic priest?
  14. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/746841/NASA-conspiracy-alien-news-iss-international-space-station-blue-object-cut-live-feed-video
  15. Thread didn't quite re-enforce the OPs anti-Trump stance so we should delete it, amirite?
  16. A date which will live in infamy
  17. Bomb squad story at CNN as reported by FoxNews Trump is missing an opportunity here for some Troll time: Bomb squad dispatched to CNN offices in NYC after receiving packaged labeled "Ratings"
  18. Newbie looking for attention
  19. Sitting a sandwich shop waiting for my sandwich and they have ESPN on It's just a bunch of guys screaming over each other overly dramatic to prove their points
  20. I'm not a loud farter, more of a SBD kind of guy And whether it's silent or audible, I always own my farts
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