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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Republican President = Republicans fault Democrat President with Republican House = Republicans fault Democrat President with Democrat House = Republicans fault Haven't you been paying attention to The Narrative?
  2. Speaking of cyber awareness, I remember seeing possibly the best Halloween costume in years
  3. Two things 1. The schadenfreude at a former porn star losing her lawsuit to a lawyer named Chuck Harder 2. I suggest some Trump Twitter Troll Time, send out a Tweet thanking the judge and everyone who donated to Stormy's gofundme legal fund
  4. Why is Trump kicking people off Food Stamps?
  5. According to their website, there's a Chic-Fil-A in Maine. That's about as far east as you're going to get in the continental US
  6. Real doctors differ from TV doctors like House or that Autistic kid I see commercials for. They cannot perform miracles and in general have a pretty good idea when somebody cannot be saved Google does not have all the answers. Neither does DuckDuckGo, Bing, or Yahoo. In fact, there are some answers the Internet cannot provide
  7. https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/18/12/10/2227224/walmart-is-reportedly-testing-a-burger-flipping-robot
  8. rough estimate how much labor does it cost to install/replace a water heater?
  9. And when the Brits and EU announce their deal, or some other countries announce a trade deal, Trump should Tweet out You didn't make that trade deal. The United States Navy made that happen
  10. That would be interesting given the only Naval Power capable of doing so is the United States If the UK or anyone tried to block access thru the straights of gilbralter, suez canal, or into the Black Sea, all Trump has to do is Tweet out a picture of a carrier with the caption O'RLY?
  11. But he's only halfwit on his mother's side, so he's really a quarterwit
  12. Trump deconstructing another piece of the Obama legacy https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6475471/Schools-bring-junk-food-Trump-administration-eases-Michelle-Obamas-rules.html
  13. They are definitely spying on you Lenovo is formerly IBM's Personal Computer division. It is now a private Chinese company in name, but is effectively a Chinese run a state run enterprise IIRC you work for the Army Corps of Engineers. As an employee of the DoD, I am disappointed that you were not already aware of Lenovo's dubious background https://www.fedmanager.com/index.php?id=2608:dod-issues-cybersecurity-warning-against-lenovo-computers-handheld-devices
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