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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Acting Secretary of Defense! Unconstitutional!!! /Tibs I didn't know the shanahan tree had any defensive branches
  2. At least the shutdown won't stop us from monitoring our nations air space https://www.foxnews.com/us/norad-santa-tracker-will-still-run-despite-government-shutdown
  3. Star Wars He-Man/She-Ra Pacman
  4. make it pay per view and fund the wall
  5. Yes, and pinned them inside the 1
  6. when you were a kid i bet you got beat up alot
  7. might as well tune in for some background noise while i wait for the Ravens @ Chargers
  8. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2018/12/rbg-cancer/578869/
  9. Two South Park episodes: Woodland Critter Christmas Red Sleigh Down
  10. cuz we're bills fans, and past disappointments are pretty much all we have
  11. And I'm sure you would be more than willing to give President Pence a fair chance before turning on him
  12. Nashville is in the Central Time Zone
  13. If Bin Laden wasn't there, the raid would be just another classified Op that the American public knows nothing about
  14. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8042572/gatwick-airport-arrests-latest-cyclist-spotted/
  15. don't tempt boyst
  16. is that the same chick with different color hair and different glasses?
  17. Your argument isn't going anywhere until you frame it in the context of teabagging as a form of cis white male privilege
  18. Will no one rid me of this turbulent Jurist?
  19. So if we should have been thinking Obama for the string economy of the last two years, should we now blame Obama for the DJIA current travails?
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