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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Using Data to Determine if Die Hard is a Christmas movie https://m.slashdot.org/story/350056
  2. That's so sad The mail would never get to you in time, so print this card out and put it on your fireplace. From me to you
  3. I dunno about that, CVN81 may skip ahead to W Bush or possibly Obama
  4. I don't remember, it was several years ago. but if I had to guess he was probably on shore duty at Naval Station Norfolk. Or maybe when the TR was in port
  5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/fossbytes.com/linux-kernel-4-20-released-features/amp/
  6. If the Russians or Chinese took out the GPS satellites, would that disrupt Santa's route?
  7. Dunno, I never got hooked into paying $10 for a cup of diabetic coffee
  8. I remember working a Navy contact years ago and encountering an E2 named Swallows For those not familiar with Naval ranks, that's Seaman Swallows
  9. I put Thanksgiving, Christmas and birthday cards (my birthday is a few days before Christmas) on the fireplace. Around New Year's the cards from my Dad and Brother go in a big Ziploc bag, which goes into a box, which goes on the top shelf of a closet. Everyone else gets tossed.
  10. Its snowing in Erie, PA. 1-3 inches forecast, just a fraction compared to last year
  11. So my Dad turns on the TV for background noise and has had MSNBC which has spent the last 3 hours on Trump, pharmaceutical commercials, Trump, Alex Trebek selling insurance, Trump, commercials for NBC News, Trump, Trump, and more Trump
  12. The only way somebody gets charged with ***** or adultery under UCMJ is if they get caught in the act on duty at their post or if their actions are reported in the media bringing negative publicity **s0domy is censored. Really?
  13. Just a guess, you left the service several years ago
  14. But which Americans are more likely to die from gun violence? And why are you so eager to see that segment of the population killed?
  15. Never a fun time waiting for layovers in an airport. But women in Yoga Pants do make the wait less burdensome.
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