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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. And why are the black wires forced to do all the work while the privileged white remain neutral?
  2. If anything happens to RBG within the next two years, Democrats would go full Futurama
  3. I hear ya. Whenever His Trumpiness does Trumpy stuff, I try stop and remind myself that as embarassing as Trump can be at least Hiliary Clinton is not President
  4. I visit another site called RealClearPolitics whose browser tab features the words News, Opinion, Analysis, Polls, etc. Every once in awhile, depending on screen size, RealClearPolitics tab shows as News, Opinion, Anal
  5. will the special council actually find any dirt on Trump or will they be exposed as a cover for the crimes of the previous administration? The Special Counsel will not find anything on Trump. Information on the previous administration will be leaked but neither prosecuted nor followed up in the mainstream media will the House and Judiciary committee's investigation actually provide the public with evidence of wrong doing or is it merely the other side of the dog and pony show to hold them at bay? Dog and pony show will the swamp be drained in a meaningful way? The swamp will not be drained. However the Republican Senate will go into overdrive to confirm Federal judges in advance of the election year will Trump face impeachment? Democrat Backbenchers will draw up Articles of Impeachment for other Democrat Backbenchers to go on MSNBC and talk about. No such articles will be voted on in committee. will Pelosi become Speaker of the House or will Ocasio-Cortez? Pelosi will be elected Speaker. Ocasio-Cortez will be named the voice of a whiny new millenial generation by the MSM does Schumer legally change his name to ***** U. Schumer? Which Schumer are we talking about? The Senator or the political activist that we have been told to consider humorous? what about other areas out side of the political realm? will there be a massive volcano eruption and blot out the Sun? No, but I will drop at least one SBD capable of clearing out a room will there be a big earthquake that kills thousands of people? See response to volcano does Osama bin Laden make a public appearance? On Ancient Aliens Best Buy file for Chapter 11? No, but Sears will collapse more mass public shootings? Yes unicorns and rainbows fill the air? Unicorns and rainbows, no. My SBD, yes how much more snow will western NY receive? Same as every year. Too much will the Bills make the playoffs? No does Allen breakout? Allen will be limited by an inept supporting cast.
  6. And last year we had to depend on the Bengals
  7. what's the deal with his eyebrows?
  8. That kinda makes me question his Canadian credibility, considering Alex Trebek is one of their national heroes
  9. What is the most common phrase heard at Canadian ports of entry?
  10. Gawdammit, I will give you credit on this one. You caught me wondering whether I should troll you or boyst on this one. well played
  11. Given the imbalance between vowels and consonants in player names, I'll say Eastern Europe So did the Russians hack the Stanley Cup too? And yet you keep coming back
  12. Have you people spotted the Stanley Cup in the last 25 years? Not really
  13. i thought you people were supposed to be polite
  14. Yeah I know. I grew up in the Perry/Roosevelt/Central part of town
  15. Abit of friendly advice. Assuming of course that you're really a Bills fan and not a plant If you're going to troll, don't be a d*ckhead. Be entertaining
  16. Rome's collapse was internal. The Goth's arrived as the Empire was already in decline And created many empires European migration to the New World created a world power that Native Americans could never have achieved Consider the language we speak. A common language spoken throughout the world. English. Language of England. England. Angland. Angleland. Land of the Angles. The Angles originated from mainland Europe I'd rather not commit war crimes or kill people needlessly Venezuela descent into the sewer of Socialism was self inflicted. The United States inevitable collapse will not come at the hands of migrant workers. Our demise will be welcomed with the cheers of Yay! Free Stuff!!! Again, I'm not a fan of killing people I'll grant you that point, but only under the legal precedence of Blind Squirrel vs Nut
  17. 34-18 Syracuse Dilly Dilly Orangemen
  18. Is there still a shot at a top 5 pick? And dare we dream, maybe ESPN sends a reporter to Buffalo on Draft Day.
  19. did you hear Monica Lewinsky is going to register as a Republican? The Democrats left a bad taste in her mouth
  20. It's funny for a moment until you realize the Steelers are playing for a possible playoff berth. Meanwhile the Bills are hoping for another top 10 draft pick
  21. no, wait a second. i think we still need a black guy
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