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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Ironic how some people believe Trump is the most disorganized and unintelligent President in the history of planet Earth also believe Trump is brilliant enough to plot something like this
  2. Nah they use civilians, probably a GS12
  3. Is that the best retort you could come up with?
  4. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn
  5. And will that result in the destruction of one or both galaxies, or both galaxies coalescing into a single larger galaxy?
  6. Obama's numbers were impacted in no small part by the increased black voter turnout With Kanye/#Blexit, defections from a once Rock solid voting Bloc may swing close races towards Trump
  7. My view from the Hampton Roads area leads me to a much different conclusiin than your view from the Soros Laundromat
  8. Your funeral will be well attended by people who just want to confirm you're dead before celebrating
  9. Apple's problems were inevitable. Their growth was based on people buying smart phones and apps. We're approaching "peak smartphone" where the pool of new smartphone users is only shrinking. Existing smartphone users have realized they don't have to stand in line every year to upgrade to the latest and greatest. Fewer new phones and fewer upgrades mean people are buying fewer apps. Fewer app purchases means Apple is generating less revenue from the 15% "Apple Tax" Increased competition from Android devices have cut into Apple's market share
  10. semi-automatic, pistol grip, high capacity, scary black plastic do they carry a chainsaw attachment?
  11. Does Oklahoma St always have good offenses or does the Big12 just play bad defense?
  12. Sick of them both and would like to see some fresh competition But Alabama wins easy
  13. Has anyone else noticed when you go to the store lately, products appear to come in smaller quantities than they used to but the price hasn't changed?
  14. their choice was to either accept meadcoin, or meadazon would drive them out of business
  15. I think the most suspenseful moment of the CFP Championship might be the Finale of Fansville
  16. Antifa would still be around, they'd just blame their asshattery on something else #orangelivesmatter
  17. maybe we need stronger background checks at Lowes and Home Depot
  18. Orthodox Christmas is next Monday. The Russians hacked Christmas
  19. I don't need a call screening feature. If I don't recognize the number, I don't answer. Leave a voicemail and maybe i'll get back with you
  20. I missed the fine print that says they also reserve the right to vebally abuse and physically assault customers
  21. He's still an epic douche canoe
  22. I use my phone for text much more than for making calls
  23. that's not a fair statement. nobody here would describe tibs as a leader, he's a follower
  24. Same here I was rooting for Texas to upset Georgia until I saw a video of a pregame photo op of Bevo meeting Uga. Bevo lunged at Uga and had to be restrained Now I'm rooting for the little guy But we still love it
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