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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. interesting image coming back from break Ravens QB bench. Flacco seated between Jackson and RGIII. LJ and RGIII talking to each other around Flacco, who just has the look on his face like "i'm not bailing you out of this one"
  2. factor in sacks and Jackson has negative yardage (-2)
  3. i understand why it wasn't overturned, but terrible spot
  4. And another ocean named after Cole's mother's sister: Aunt Arctic
  5. i'm rooting for the chargers this year, but if i were an objective observer i would tell the ravens it's time to pull lamar
  6. So the chugging a beer thing and just happening to be out for a walk and stumbling across a press conference thing reek of desperation. But what really concerns me was when she introduced her dog at the totally spontaneous walk / press conference, Warren mentioned the dog was only 8 months old Please tell me she didn't buy a dog for a campaign prop You know you have to feed it, clean it, walk it, pet it, and love it? A dog is a life form, not a f*king inanimate campaign prop
  7. not a catchable ball. Rivers was chucking it out of bounds in the area of Williams
  8. yikes, gordon might be done for the day (or playoffs)
  9. Correct. McSorely broke his foot in the Citrus Bowl, then came back into the game to play with a broken foot and almost led a comeback. He's a tough QB with a ton of heart, but I don't think his game translates to the NFL. He might be a late rounder but probably UDFA
  10. GAO: IRS Had 4,487 Guns; 5,062,006 Rounds of Ammunition I get a chuckle over how the same people that lauded Obama for his remark in the 2012 debates about the 1950s wanting their foreign policy back are the same ones yearning for economic policies of the 1950s with suicide doors
  11. But you are not the recipient of all of the services that you are paying for. And those who do not pay receive a visit from armed individuals to coerce payment
  12. https://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2015/06/08/water-water-everywhere-ocean-names/
  13. All taxation is theft. But a 70% rate is nearing serfdom
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