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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. It turns you into Papa Smurf?
  2. I'm sure the surgeon will try his best, but that's not giving him much material to work with
  3. Chuckie O'Brien, who called himself Jimmy Hoffa's foster son, dead at age 86 O'Brien was portrayed in The Irishman by actor Jesse Plemons (Todd from Breaking Bad) https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2020/02/13/chuckie-obrien-jimmy-hoffa-foster-son/4756652002/
  4. We have troops in Japan because we are bound by treaty to defend them.
  5. why don't you go outside and play hide and go f*ck yourself
  6. So what are your opinions of Kat Timpf and Tomi Laren right now Now wait a second and think, what youre opinions right now? Then click the spoiler Now what's your opinion?
  7. Disappeared mysteriously and many of you are suspect...
  8. #barbarinodidntrubberhosehimself
  9. KTLA is the CW affiliate in Los Angeles. Make all the #fakenews jokes or jabs that CW isn't a real network, but the story is legit
  10. If Star Wars could CGI Carrie Fisher for two movies, maybe they could CGI Margaret Hamilton for this movie
  11. Baby Giant?
  12. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Pegula at Applebees with Marshawn Lynch last night. I guess it's pretty serious
  13. You could be half right. They're not allowed to report on Fascist Frodo They're allowed to report on others, especially #orangemanbad
  14. So I was never in the service but have several friends who were. There were pics floating around the internet of Buttigeig holding an M4 that one of my friends commented that PB looked like a tourist posing with a gun
  15. I disagree. Warren, Biden, Klobaucher, etc need to all stay in the race and this needs to go to the convention Instead of candidates regurgitating platitudes on the campaign trail, let's see what the DNC really stands for
  16. So which Outrage Mob wins this round? https://www.theblaze.com/news/transgender-muslim-outrages-over-mecca-trip
  17. Biden trying to get back "in touch" with his voters?
  18. https://media0.giphy.com/media/kPIswn0RfPTGxOvDj5/giphy.gif
  19. Creepy Uncle Joe talking about New Hampshire from South Carolina. Dude looks old and talks like it too
  20. NBC News stream had a reporter comment that NH turnout is expected to be about 450,000, because of increased turnout in the Republican primary
  21. Reminds me of a coworker standing at the pop machine trying to decide between diet and regular pop....cancer or diabetes
  22. I have a few friends and coworkers that caught the flu but were not hospitalized. Because it's the flu and western medicine can treat it with OTC medication
  23. Audio from Fascist Frodo (aka Mini Mike) gonna play well in Soth Carolina and California
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