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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. if the united states is a country full of retards, why has your enlightened country not surpassed it to become the dominant power on the planet?
  2. Now lets be fair, Canada does have plenty to be proud of. They gave the world Hockey, Alex Trebek, Captain Kirk, Alexander Graham Bell, and John C Garand. Granted they all found success after leaving Canada for the United States. But we should still thank them.
  3. Boardwalk Empire should have ended the Buscemi / Nucky storyline after Season 4 and spun the series off into either a Capone / Van Alden / Eli series or a Lucky Luciano / Meyer Lansky series
  4. No. Hell No That is not Serenity. Serenity is not some Matthew McConaughey douchebag movie This is Serenity
  5. A 4 year enlistment teaches more valuable skills than a 4 year college
  6. Most of America would oppose permanent amnesty as well, even a large number (if not the majority) of Democrats. Maybe not the ideologues in DC, on TV, or in Academia, but the Democrats in flyover country Trump has given Nancy a way out to show she can be bipartisan rather than succumb to the fringe of her caucus What are your thoughts on Boardwalk Empire?
  7. I don't know if I'd go so far as to claim Peaky Blinders is better than The Godfather. But Peaky Blinders is still f**king awesome
  8. For me, it's a matter of competence. Picard had a much lower casualty rate among the crew. Plus Picard was never demoted (Star Trek IV) nor was his voyage cancelled after only three seasons
  9. https://amp.livescience.com/64550-super-blood-wolf-moon-eclipse.html
  10. Probably something like a meeting between the People's Front of Judea and the Judean People's Front
  11. https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/dna-ancestry-kits-twins-marketplace-1.4980976
  12. On a somewhat related note Microsoft has released a suggestion to users of Windows 10 Mobile: https://mobile.slashdot.org/story/19/01/18/2244218/microsoft-suggests-windows-10-mobile-users-switch-to-ios-or-android-as-support-winds-down
  13. looks like an intergalactic paint can opener
  14. Trump's been President for two years now. Wasn't he supposed to have started a nuclear war by now?
  15. still better than the SJW reboot
  16. crabs on Uranus
  17. Or even better: Where In The World Is Carmen San Francisco
  18. Bad move by Trump Some Democrat operative is going to throw a brick thru Nancy's window and everyone will scream that Trump is inciting violence. Straight out of House of Cards
  19. I can tell you've attempted to troll, albeit poorly, at one time or another. Take the TDS goggles off for a moment and just look at the craftsmanship of this work
  20. But then Trump takes responsibility for bringing them back Trump has masterfully trolled the DC Establishment reflecting their own strategy back against them. This was a political Corbomite Maneuver
  21. Now the word family is offensive https://dailycaller.com/2019/01/16/google-family-triggered-meltdown/
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